Backup Database from one Server to another once a day?

  • What is the best practice to Backup Database from one Server to another once a day?  I currently backup multiple production Servers Database using Database Maintenance Wizard to a network storgae device.  My supervisor wants me to back up the multiple production Databases to a test Server on a routine basis; then just backup the one test Server.

  •   Try a  continous tranzactional replication  between the production server and the backup server.For me it works fine.

  • I do something similar, to populate a reporting database. I run a dts package from the reporting server that first backs up the production database to a dump device (disk) on a network share, then restores the database on the reporting server. I also copy the logins (in case any accounts have been added - this is a DTS step), then run a SQL Server script against the database to auto_fix any orphaned users. It works great, and we just back up the file on the network share to tape for DR purposes.



  • Hi Chris,  I think your approach will work for me...being a newbie, could you provide more detail steps for the dts packages and script to copy logins/fix orphans

  • Sure,


         1) Backup Database (Execute SQL Task):

    USE dbname


    BACKUP DATABASE dname TO budevice  WITH INIT,

       NAME = 'backup set name'


         2) Kill users in destination db (Execute SQL Task):

    Use master


    exec sp_kill @dbname='dbname'

    Use master


    alter database SLS


         3) Restore database (Execute SQL task):

    Use master


    RESTORE DATABASE dbname   FROM budevice   With Replace, MOVE (if necessary - Look at BOL)

         4) Transfer Logins (Transfer Logins Task)

         5) Fix Orphaned Users Cursor (Execute SQL Task) I found this script on this website:

    Use dbname go

    declare @usrname varchar(100), @command varchar(100)

    declare Crs insensitive cursor for

      select name as UserName from sysusers

       where issqluser = 1 and (sid is not null and sid <> 0x0)

                        and suser_sname(sid) is null

      order by name

    for read only

    open Crs

    fetch next from Crs into @usrname

     while @@fetch_status=0


      select @command=' sp_change_users_login  ''auto_fix'', '''+@usrname+''' '


      fetch next from Crs into @usrname


     close Crs

    deallocate Crs


     Fixing some Orphaned Users left after step 2.


    -- sp_change_users_login 'auto_fix','<user_name>'

    -- sp_change_users_login 'update_one','<user_name>','<user_name>'


    I run a DTS package that includes all of these steps, as well as some logging, on a nightly basis.


  • Thanks Chris for your time and help in providing detail steps!!!

  • Hi Chris,


    Please help me one more time, can you please provide the script for "sp_kill" as I think it is a User Procedure?

    Thanks,  Richard

  • Sorry I didn't include it the firt time around:

    Use master


    exec sp_kill @dbname='dbname'

    Use master


    alter database dbname




  • Hi, Chris...

    You had already provided the sql statement:

    Use master


    exec sp_kill @dbname='dbname'

    Use master


    alter database dbname



    But when I run it, I get:

    Could not find stored procedure 'sp_kill'.

    What is the script for the stored procedure 'sp_kill'?????

  • Doh! Copied the wrong thing. Here you go:


    create proc sp_kill

      @dbname varchar(100) = null,   -- When specified, kills all spids inside of the database

      @loginame varchar(50) = null,  -- When specified, kills all spids under the login name

      @hostname varchar(50) = null  -- When specified, kills all spids originating from the host machine



     set nocount on

     select spid, db_name(dbid) as 'db_name', loginame, hostname into #tb1_sysprocesses from master.dbo.sysprocesses (nolock)

     declare @total_logins int, @csr_spid varchar(100)  

     set @total_logins = ( select count(distinct spid) from #tb1_sysprocesses )

     if @dbname is null


      if @loginame is null


       if @hostname is null


        if @total_logins > 0


        declare csr_spid cursor fast_forward for select distinct spid from #tb1_sysprocesses where loginame <> 'sa' and spid <> @@spid

        open csr_spid 

        fetch next from csr_spid into @csr_spid

        while @@fetch_status = 0


          set nocount on    

          exec ('kill ' + @csr_spid)

          fetch next from csr_spid into @csr_spid


        close csr_spid

        deallocate csr_spid





        if @total_logins > 0


        declare csr_spid cursor fast_forward for select distinct spid from #tb1_sysprocesses where hostname = @hostname  and loginame <> 'sa' and spid <> @@spid

        open csr_spid 

        fetch next from csr_spid into @csr_spid

        while @@fetch_status = 0


          set nocount on    

          exec ('kill ' + @csr_spid)

          fetch next from csr_spid into @csr_spid


        close csr_spid

        deallocate csr_spid







        if @total_logins > 0


        declare csr_spid cursor fast_forward for select distinct spid from #tb1_sysprocesses where loginame = @loginame and  loginame <> 'sa' and spid <> @@spid

        open csr_spid 

        fetch next from csr_spid into @csr_spid

        while @@fetch_status = 0


          set nocount on    

          exec ('kill ' + @csr_spid)

          fetch next from csr_spid into @csr_spid


        close csr_spid

        deallocate csr_spid








        if @total_logins > 0


        declare csr_spid cursor fast_forward for select distinct spid from #tb1_sysprocesses where db_name = @dbname  and loginame <> 'sa' and spid <> @@spid

        open csr_spid 

        fetch next from csr_spid into @csr_spid

        while @@fetch_status = 0


          set nocount on    

          exec ('kill ' + @csr_spid)

          fetch next from csr_spid into @csr_spid


        close csr_spid

        deallocate csr_spid



     drop table #tb1_sysprocesses




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