SQL Server Connection issues

  • Hi

    I have to connect to a Remote SQL Server, 'IP\apps'. I can work around this server through my ASP .Net application. But when I connect to this Server through Query Analyser, it throughs an error.

    I can ping the server through the IP, But I can't telnet the server.

    Please give any suggesstions.

    Sathish ...

  • Hi

    Try running mdac2.7, or try connecting with server name.

    Japheth Joel

  • Where is this SQL Server located in relation to you? Is it on an internal network with you or are you connecting over the Internet? Also where is your ASP.Net application running? Is it running on the same computer you are trying to connect from with Query Analyzer or is it located on another system?

    K. Brian Kelley

  • Likely your asp.net app is sitting on the same network and so it can connect.  You are probably trying to connect to SQL Server via QA from outside the network, which is the way it should be.  I would hate to think in todays day and age that sql port should be open to the world. 

  • The ASP.Net Applicaion and the Database are hosted on different servers inside my intranet. The servers reside in our US office, and I am trying to access the DB from my India office. Every network access is filtered with Firewalls.


  • Joel

    I am running on  MDAC 2.8 SP1 on Windows XP SP2


  • 1) It is likely udp/1434 is blocked. That's the SQL Server Listener service. That means you have to know the port SQL Server is listening on to connect. You would connect with the following: <server name>,<port>

    2) You need to find out if they are even allowing access through the firewall to your SQL Server. If they are not, then even doing what I suggest in #1 won't work.

    K. Brian Kelley

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