Anyone sat the beta exams for 2005 yet?

  • I'm sitting 71-431 on Saturday, not sure what to expect in terms of formatting...

  • Took mine on Tuesday.  The exam style itself really is no different than the exams in the past.

  • Hello!

    Please tell us more details about the 71-431 exam. How many questions did you have ? What topics were the most popular in questions ? How did you prepare for the exam ? Your final advice for those who are going to take it.

    Your replies will be really helpful !

  • I read the NDA on the exam on saturday, and it is not clear what I'm allowed to talk about, though obviously, no question details.

    There was far too little time to provide comments - I thought the whole point was to get feedback from the exam takers, and I had a lot to say (as usual) about the question formats.

    I've got no insight into preperation; I used the elearning courses, books on line, and the Preperation Guide at MS.

    Anyone know which elearning courses are supposed to be relevant for 71-441? Course 2939 seems to be OT as far as the preperation guide goes.

  • So 8 weeks passed since beta period ended and Microsoft should send exam results for those who took 71-431 exam. I still didn't receive my results. Has anyone already received them for 71-431 ?

  • yes, I have and so has a fellow coworker... the results have been posted for 431, 441, 443 and 444... so, if you do not see anything yet on the transcript site you more than likely failed

  • ...not sure when the paper results will be here though as I have not yet seen these. I would imagine they should be coming pretty soon.

  • I received my paper results yesterday(Feb 6, 2006) in the mail.


  • Are they the results for all the exams, or just the first one you took?

  • I only took 070-431. My status showed up on the transcript site before I received the report in the mail.


  • Are you in the US? I'm expecting greater delays in the UK.

  • I took 71-431 exam in Russia and still haven't received my results. I think that M$ hasn't processed all exams yet (there are about 500 exam takers or even more for each beta-exam). Moreover M$ doesn't reply to my e-mails and their European Educational Service Center phones are out of service...

  • Passed 70-431.

    My profile was updated today, the dates shown are the date I took the exam, and MCTS was awarded 25th January...

  • I also passed 70-431 and my transcript was updated yesterday. But I haven't received e-mails regarding that event. Have anybody who had passed the exam received Voucher for a free Microsoft exam ?

  • I got my paper score reports and vouchers for 71-431, 71-441, and 71-444 over the last two weeks.

    I took mine at a Thomson-Prometric center.  People who took them with Prometric are getting their results back a lot sooner than those who took with VUE.


    Eddie Wuerch
    MCM: SQL

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