Split backup across several drives ??

  • I have a DB on a server, the DB is roughly 50gig, being a good DBA I split it across several drives.  But along with all of the other DBs on the box I have 2 drives with 32 gig ea free.  It might (might) fit in either, particularly with NTFS compression, I know it's not recommended, but I use it all the time without problems.

    But, I would like to spread it across the 2 drives with free space.  Without getting into filespace backups, plan B.  Any way to tell the backup program to put it on both drives ??


  • Just use 2 destinations in your BACKUP command.  eg.

    BACKUP DATABASE mydb TO DISK = 'G:\mssql\backup\mydb1.bak, DISK = 'H:\mssql\backup\mydb2.bak' with init

    - Mark

  • Is there any way to control how much will go in the first file and how much in the secound? For a really big database how big will be each of these files? 50%? A different percent according with the size of the data files or to some other factors?



  • I *usually* find it's a 50%-ish split.  If you want some control over the % (eg. 40%/60%) you may have to backup to 5 files (2 on one device and 3 on the other).

    - Mark

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