Text Datatype size and performance

  • We will be storing an XML response which has 70,000+ characters in single column in a table that has numerous other columns. Although none of the other columns are even close to this size I wanted to get some opinons about keeping this XML response in the same table or breaking it out to it's own table. This is a new table and is in it's test phase but I want to plan for a lot of future growth for this table. Any suggestions?  Thanks for the posts!

  • So long as you don't use select * on your table you should be ok - the text data itself is actually stored separately and a pointer to it is stored in the row (under usual circumstances - slightly different if "text in row" is on).  I have often stored the BLOBs in a separate table in a 1:1 relationship, but I haven't seen any great performance difference either way.

  • Thanks Ian.  I don't have the text in row option turned on but I'm thinking about it (BOL said it could be read and written to as fast as a nvarchar,varchar, or varbinary.) Not sure if this will be a performance gain but I guess it's worth a shot.

     Anyone know what the commands are for finding  out how much storage space is being taken up by these entries? I've looked around and I only found DataLength which just gives me character count and not byte size. Thanks again.  

  • You won't get 70kb of text in row though - row lengths are 8192 max bytes (from memory - don't quote me).  And then with text in row you get other things such as text pointers behaving differently, etc - I've never tried it in production only because I was more familiar with the traditional method of storing BLOBs and I always wanted either none of the BLOB, or all of the BLOB, never just the first x bytes at the beginning.

    The Datalength function returns the number of bytes.  The len function returns the number of characters (so returns half number of bytes for nchar/nvarchar/ntext columns).


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