
  • I execute this command

    EXEC sp_fulltext_database 'enable'

     to enable my database for full-Text_Indexs, and it took almost 18 hours running before I stoped it.

    Does anyone knows why?

    I need help on production environment as soon as I can.

  • Just Full-text enabling a database should take only seconds as the only thing that sp_fulltext_database 'enable' does is set some values in the a few system tables. So, something else was going on during these 18 hours...

    Were you actually running a Full Population on a large FT-enabled table? Could you post the full output of the following SQL code as this would help troubleshoot this issue for you:

    use <your_database_name_here>


    SELECT @@language

    SELECT @@version

    sp_configure 'default full-text language'

    EXEC sp_help_fulltext_catalogs

    EXEC sp_help_fulltext_tables

    EXEC sp_help_fulltext_columns

    EXEC sp_help <your_FT-enable_table_name_here>




    SQL Full Text Search Blog


    John T. Kane

  • Thank you John,

    Microsoft Tech informed me yesterday that the Microsoft Search that run under services may be corrupt. It was recommended to re-install.

    I will keep you updated.

  • Yes, that is correct. While SQL Server 2000 or SQL server 7.0 can run under the "system account" (LocalSystem) or a DOMAIN\Account, the "Microsoft Search" (mssearch.exe) service should always run under the "system account" (LocalSystem).

    FYI, in SQL Server 2005 (RTM version), the new replacement for mssearch.exe, the Microsoft Full Text Search Engine for SQL (msftesql) can run under the same DOMAIN\Account as the MSSQLServer service.



    SQL Full Text Search Blog


    John T. Kane

  • I re-installed the Microsoft Search running under service. Now I try to enable the full text catalog in the database, I go this error.

    The Microsoft Search service cannot be administered under the present user account.

    Even though, I log in as sa.

    Do you know thw account that it wanted?


  • Yes, I do...

    Have you or anyone else removed or altered the BUILTIN\Administrators login? If so, then you need to re-add it with all of the default settings, including using the master database and with sysadmin rights. If this is not possible for security reasons, you can workaround this issue with the following sql code:

    exec sp_grantlogin N'NT Authority\System'

    exec sp_defaultdb N'NT Authority\System', N'master'

    exec sp_defaultlanguage N'NT Authority\System','us_english'

    exec sp_addsrvrolemember N'NT Authority\System', sysadmin

    See KB article Q263712 "INF: How To Prevent Windows NT Administrators From Administering a Clustered SQL Server" at     http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;EN-US;q263712 for more details.



    SQL Full Text Search Blog


    John T. Kane

  • We have not remove the BUILTIN\Administrators login.

  • Ok. Have you modified it in any way? Secondly, I'm assuming that the MSSearch service is running the "system account" (LocalSystem). Correct?

    Additionally, can you confirm that no one has changed the SQL Server (MSSQLServer) service account &/or password via Win2K's components applet? If so, then you MUST re-change it via the SQL Server Enterprise Manager (EM) as this is the ONLY place where the security between these two services are sync'ed when changed.



    SQL Full Text Search Blog


    John T. Kane

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