getting this simple query to excel... why so tough?

  • this is what i've got.

    select serverproperty ('servername') as 'Server'

    select serverproperty ('InstanceName') AS 'Instance Name' WHERE 'Instance Name' <> NULL

    select serverproperty ('edition') as 'Edition'

    select serverproperty ('productlevel') as 'Service Pack'

    select serverproperty ('productversion') as 'Build'

    select CASE serverproperty ('IsClustered') WHEN 1 THEN 'YES' ELSE 'NO' END AS 'Clustered'

    select name as [Databases] from sysdatabases where dbid >4

    select [name] as 'Logins' from syslogins WHERE [name] <> 'sa'

    all i'm trying to do is land it in an .xls, and have the columns lineup

    with the values. thats it. but when ever it's run from dts i get a

    single column with only the first value of servername. nothing else,

    and what a pain.



  • I would try and use DTS but have three separate queries. The first would be


    serverproperty ('servername') as 'Server' ,

    ISNULL(serverproperty ('InstanceName'),'') AS 'Instance Name' ,

    serverproperty ('edition') as 'Edition',

    serverproperty ('productlevel') as 'Service Pack',

    serverproperty ('productversion') as 'Build',

    CASE serverproperty ('IsClustered') WHEN 1 THEN 'YES' ELSE 'NO' END AS 'Clustered'

    Your DTS would need two database connections. One to your Excel file, the other to the MASTER database.

    You would need a task that does a CREATE TABLE for each record set against the Excel connection.

    On completion you would need a datapump task for each of the three queries with the destination being your three new "tables" which are really worksheets within your Excel workbook.

  • Each different select statement is a different recordset.

    Try putting them all into 1


    select 1 as property,

           serverproperty ('servername') as 'Server',

           isnull(serverproperty ('InstanceName'),'') AS 'Instance Name',

           serverproperty ('edition') as 'Edition',

           serverproperty ('productlevel') as 'Service Pack',

           serverproperty ('productversion') as 'Build',

           CASE serverproperty ('IsClustered') WHEN 1 THEN 'YES' ELSE 'NO' END AS 'Clustered',

           '' As [Databases],

           '' As 'Logins'


    select 2, '', '', '', '', '', '',

           name, ''

    from master..sysdatabases where dbid >4


    select 3, '', '', '', '', '', '', '',


    from master..syslogins WHERE [name] <> 'sa'

    order by property


  • thanks for the feed back.


    every time to try to put it into one statement i

    get errors cause fo the 'case', and also for the

    query against the master for logins etc.

    could you give me a quick example that may work?

    thanks in advance.


  • Wrap your CASE statement in a CAST(CASE statement AS CHAR(3))

    I have had problems with BIT fields doing peculiar things

  • cool... thanks for the tip. any other words of wisdom that i should look out for with this??


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