Find erratic jobs

  • Is there any way to find which jobs failed during the previous day with T-SQL?


    Kindest Regards,


  • in sql 2000 you can find the job histories & outcomes

    in msdb.dbo.sysjobhistory

  • Maybe you'll find some script a the SSC-scripts section.

    Here's one I install by default for dev-support :

    -- it uses the msdb-tables and will need to be checked every release

    use master


    CREATE   PROC sp_ALZDBA_check_failed_jobs

     @NumDays int = 1,

            @RecentOnly char(1) = 'Y',

     @Job_Name varchar(132) = Null


    -- example: sp_ALZ_check_failed_jobs 5, 'N','_TransferSFA'


    PRINT  'Checking for all jobs that have failed in the last ' + CAST(@NumDays AS char(2)) +' days.......'

    PRINT ' '

    if @Job_Name is null


       if  @RecentOnly  = 'Y'


        select ErrJobs.*

        from (


      convert(datetime,substring(cast(run_date as char(8)) ,1,4) + '-' + substring(cast(run_date as char(8)) ,5,2) + '-' + substring(cast(run_date as char(8)) ,7,2) 

             + ' ' +

       substring(cast(RIGHT(run_time + 1000000,6) as char(6)) ,1,2) + ':' + substring(cast(RIGHT(run_time + 1000000,6) as char(6)) ,3,2) + ':' + substring(cast(RIGHT(run_time + 1000000,6) as char(6)) ,5,2)

     &nbsp AS Failure_DateTime,         AS Job_Name,

      T1.step_id         AS Step_Nr,

      T1.step_name        AS Step_Name,

      T1.message        AS Message


        FROM msdb..sysjobhistory  T1

        JOIN msdb..sysjobs  T2

      ON T1.job_id = T2.job_id


        WHERE T1.run_status <> 1

      AND T1.step_id > 0

      AND run_date >= CONVERT(char(8), (select dateadd (day,(-1*@NumDays), getdate())), 112)

     &nbsp ErrJobs

        inner join

         ( SELECT max(

      convert(datetime,substring(cast(run_date as char(8)) ,1,4) + '-' + substring(cast(run_date as char(8)) ,5,2) + '-' + substring(cast(run_date as char(8)) ,7,2) 

             + ' ' +

       substring(cast(RIGHT(run_time + 1000000,6) as char(6)) ,1,2) + ':' + substring(cast(RIGHT(run_time + 1000000,6) as char(6)) ,3,2) + ':' + substring(cast(RIGHT(run_time + 1000000,6) as char(6)) ,5,2)

     &nbsp ) AS Max_Failure_DateTime,         AS Job_Name,

      T1.step_id         AS Step_Nr,

      T1.step_name        AS Step_Name

        FROM msdb..sysjobhistory  T1

        JOIN msdb..sysjobs  T2

      ON T1.job_id = T2.job_id

        WHERE T1.run_status <> 1

      AND T1.step_id > 0

      AND run_date >= CONVERT(char(8), (select dateadd (day,(-1*@NumDays), getdate())), 112)

         Group by, T1.step_id , T1.step_name

     &nbsp MaxErrJobs

      on  ErrJobs.Failure_DateTime = MaxErrJobs.Max_Failure_DateTime

      and ErrJobs.Job_Name = MaxErrJobs.Job_Name

      and ErrJobs.Step_Nr = MaxErrJobs.Step_Nr

      and ErrJobs.Step_Name = MaxErrJobs.Step_Name

        order by ErrJobs.Failure_DateTime desc


     else --RecentOnly <> 'Y'



      convert(datetime,substring(cast(run_date as char(8)) ,1,4) + '-' + substring(cast(run_date as char(8)) ,5,2) + '-' + substring(cast(run_date as char(8)) ,7,2) 

             + ' ' +

       substring(cast(RIGHT(run_time + 1000000,6) as char(6)) ,1,2) + ':' + substring(cast(RIGHT(run_time + 1000000,6) as char(6)) ,3,2) + ':' + substring(cast(RIGHT(run_time + 1000000,6) as char(6)) ,5,2)

     &nbsp AS Failure_DateTime,         AS Job_Name,

      T1.step_id         AS Step_Nr,

      T1.step_name        AS Step_Name,

      T1.message        AS Message

        FROM msdb..sysjobhistory  T1

        JOIN msdb..sysjobs  T2

      ON T1.job_id = T2.job_id

        WHERE T1.run_status <> 1

      AND T1.step_id > 0

      AND run_date >= CONVERT(char(8), (select dateadd (day,(-1*@NumDays), getdate())), 112)

        order by Failure_DateTime desc



    else -- @Job_Name is ingevuld



     if  @RecentOnly  = 'Y'


        select ErrJobs.*

        from (


      convert(datetime,substring(cast(run_date as char(8)) ,1,4) + '-' + substring(cast(run_date as char(8)) ,5,2) + '-' + substring(cast(run_date as char(8)) ,7,2) 

             + ' ' +

       substring(cast(RIGHT(run_time + 1000000,6) as char(6)) ,1,2) + ':' + substring(cast(RIGHT(run_time + 1000000,6) as char(6)) ,3,2) + ':' + substring(cast(RIGHT(run_time + 1000000,6) as char(6)) ,5,2)

     &nbsp AS Failure_DateTime,         AS Job_Name,

      T1.step_id         AS Step_Nr,

      T1.step_name        AS Step_Name,

      T1.message        AS Message


        FROM msdb..sysjobhistory  T1

        JOIN msdb..sysjobs  T2

      ON T1.job_id = T2.job_id

        WHERE T1.run_status <> 1

      AND T1.step_id > 0

      AND run_date >= CONVERT(char(8), (select dateadd (day,(-1*@NumDays), getdate())), 112)

      AND = @Job_Name

     &nbsp ErrJobs

        inner join

         ( SELECT max(

      convert(datetime,substring(cast(run_date as char(8)) ,1,4) + '-' + substring(cast(run_date as char(8)) ,5,2) + '-' + substring(cast(run_date as char(8)) ,7,2) 

             + ' ' +

       substring(cast(RIGHT(run_time + 1000000,6) as char(6)) ,1,2) + ':' + substring(cast(RIGHT(run_time + 1000000,6) as char(6)) ,3,2) + ':' + substring(cast(RIGHT(run_time + 1000000,6) as char(6)) ,5,2)

     &nbsp ) AS Max_Failure_DateTime,         AS Job_Name,

      T1.step_id         AS Step_Nr,

      T1.step_name        AS Step_Name

        FROM msdb..sysjobhistory  T1

        JOIN msdb..sysjobs  T2

      ON T1.job_id = T2.job_id

        WHERE T1.run_status <> 1

      AND T1.step_id > 0

      AND run_date >= CONVERT(char(8), (select dateadd (day,(-1*@NumDays), getdate())), 112)

      AND = @Job_Name

         Group by, T1.step_id , T1.step_name

     &nbsp MaxErrJobs

      on  ErrJobs.Failure_DateTime = MaxErrJobs.Max_Failure_DateTime

      and ErrJobs.Job_Name = MaxErrJobs.Job_Name

      and ErrJobs.Step_Nr = MaxErrJobs.Step_Nr

      and ErrJobs.Step_Name = MaxErrJobs.Step_Name

        order by ErrJobs.Failure_DateTime desc





      convert(datetime,substring(cast(run_date as char(8)) ,1,4) + '-' + substring(cast(run_date as char(8)) ,5,2) + '-' + substring(cast(run_date as char(8)) ,7,2) 

             + ' ' +

       substring(cast(RIGHT(run_time + 1000000,6) as char(6)) ,1,2) + ':' + substring(cast(RIGHT(run_time + 1000000,6) as char(6)) ,3,2) + ':' + substring(cast(RIGHT(run_time + 1000000,6) as char(6)) ,5,2)

     &nbsp AS Failure_DateTime,         AS Job_Name,

      T1.step_id         AS Step_Nr,

      T1.step_name        AS Step_Name,

      T1.message        AS Message

        FROM msdb..sysjobhistory  T1

        JOIN msdb..sysjobs  T2

      ON T1.job_id = T2.job_id

        WHERE T1.run_status <> 1

      AND T1.step_id > 0

      AND run_date >= CONVERT(char(8), (select dateadd (day,(-1*@NumDays), getdate())), 112)

      AND = @Job_Name

        order by Failure_DateTime desc






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  • I use this:

    select b.server ,, b.step_name,b.sql_message_id, b.sql_severity

    from msdb.dbo.sysjobs a, msdb.dbo.sysjobhistory b

    where a.job_id = b.job_id

      and (b.run_date = convert(int,convert(varchar,getdate(),112)) or

       b.run_date + 1 = convert(int,convert(varchar,getdate(),112)))

      and b.run_status in (0,3)

  • If it's just for yesterday, then why not opt for using EM ? It's quick and easy !

    RegardsRudy KomacsarSenior Database Administrator"Ave Caesar! - Morituri te salutamus."

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