SQL Server service account

  • Hi guys,

    Does anyone know the reason why after adding sql server service account to the local administrators group of any server, it is also added as a sql server login in enterprise manager. I know its not much of a bright question I just can't get my head round it right now. cheers


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  • we know that the sqlserver service a/c should be exist in the sqlserver login to start the sqlserver successfully.if the service a/c is a domain user a/c then it will be added automatically do avoid deleting the user from that server(foreign key is established) if u have BUILTIN\Administrators  login in the sqlserver then local system admin user will become member of this user...

  • I believe when you designate it as the SQL Server service account, it is automatically added as a login, provided you do so through Enterprise Manger. The SQL Server service account does need sysadmin fixed server role membership.

    BUILTIN\Administrators does allow any administrator into the system with full sysadmin rights. Typically it's one of those groups we'd recommend to consider removing after you've considered the impact.

    There's my article:

    SQL Server Security: Security Admins

    And Kathi Kellenberger's:

    Removing the Builtin Administrators - Some Pitfalls to Avoid

    K. Brian Kelley

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