Performance " IS Not Null" vs "Not IS Null"

  • HI

    I need help on the performance issue related to the null comparision using the statement

    "<COL> IS Not Null" vs "Not <Col> IS Null".




    Jomy John Thomas

    Your Guide to Admin and Design

  • Hi!

    Well, I performed the following tests (SQL2K SP3):


    USE Northwind


    select ShipRegion from Orders

    where ShipRegion IS NOT NULL

    select ShipRegion from Orders

    where NOT (ShipRegion IS NULL)


    Auditing with the profiler gives (show plan statistics):

    - first query:

    Clustered Index Scan(OBJECT[Northwind].[dbo].[Orders].[PK_Orders]), WHERE[Orders].[ShipRegion]NULL))

    - second query:

    Clustered Index Scan(OBJECT[Northwind].[dbo].[Orders].[PK_Orders]), WHERE[Orders].[ShipRegion]NULL))

    As you can see, SQL Server is doing the same thing in both cases, so it has no impact on performance whatsoever.



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