
  • Can someone explain the perfomance timings for the following situation:

    01. We have a single file with more than 85 million rows.

    02. Now we have created 60 partition tables with same structure

          with EXTRACT_DATE as Check Constraint which is a part of


    03. Renamed the Big File, created partitioned view with UNION ALL.

    Now I want some statistics on the following for example:

                   SELECT         INSERT         UPDATE        DELETE                       

    Table:    1 HR (100%)   1 HR (100%)  1 HR (100%)  1 HR (100%)

    View  :        ?                    ?                    ?                 ?

    All of them with where clause. Can someone have any results?


  • I don't understand what you need as a result... can you rephrase that?

  • I want some rough timings for all the four operations. For example if I run Select/Insert/Update.Delete Query on the original Table and if it takes 1 Hour to Run that Query. If I run all same queries aginst the partitioned view what could be the Query Timings in terms of Time and/or % of Time ie. 1 Hour.

  • Run the queries and see for yourself... we can't remote perf-tune your pc from this board.

  • I am only asking if there are any standard statistics available handy with the group since I am not in a position to do this testing because of time.

  • OK... can't give you any. But I doubt you'll get something very usefull from other members as each server/query is unique.

  • I am not able to find any link from MS website regarding any benchmark results for both SQL 2000 & 2005 Indexed Views since they are talking big about it.

  • I have a similar partitioned view.  It works very well if you join on the partitioning column, but doesn't help at all if you don't.  Don't have any statistics since it's been awhile since it was created.

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