September 7, 2005 at 7:15 am
Hi All
I'm trying to do a Week Work Plan of factory in RS.
I have 3 fields:date,Mission,Area.
I want to show in a table or matrix : missions for area for each day of the week.
I want the it like this:
Area2 Mission4
September 11, 2005 at 12:41 am
Well,couse no one hellped me i did the hard work myself.
here the steps for this mission:
1) create ds with the all the mission for the week(each mission has a field of the area and a fiels with the date it should be done).
2) create vb function (Report Properties->code) for date:
Public Shared Function GetWeekDate(ByVal input As Integer) As String
Dim strDate As String = Format(DateAdd(DateInterval.Day, -1 * (CInt(Now.Today.DayOfWeek) - input), Now.Date), "dd/MM/yyyy")
GetWeekDate= strDate
End Function
3) create table that gets the ds from step1 the grouping will be by Area.The table will have 7 columns:Area and 6 labor days.
4) In the grouping row enter in each day column a table which ds from step1.
5) In the inside table,take the detail row to show the mission name and in the visibility will be:=iif(Code.GetWeekDate(3)=Code.GetDate(Fields!DueDate.Value) ,False,True) that will ensure that just the mission for day 3 will be shown.
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