Log shipping Hell - out of sync erros

  • hi,

    I have  read so many articles and forum but no one seems to have the right answer on the above topic.

    I have removed log shipping and set it up twice  but am still having the same problem.

    logs are copied to secondary server but are not been restored. at least thats what the monitor is saying...

    win2000 enterprise edition sp3 on both boxes

    who said log shipping was easy ?

    please help

  • Seems like no one has an answer for this ?

    am still waiting... is there any document anywhere ?

  • Is the restore job failing?  On the SQL Server you installed the monitor server goto Management-->Log Shipping Monitor and then right click on one of the monitor jobs and click View Copy /Restore History then choose a Load activity that has failed and view the message for a reason. You will probably find that your logs are out of sync with your restored backup.

  • hi,

    yes..my logs are out of sync..its been more than 2000 mins, so I deleted and recreated, until i left work on friday it was working alright so hopefully it would still be working when I get back on monday .My question  is ...Is recreating Log Shipping the only solution when you hit out of sync errors ?


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