Couldn''t install replication component on SQL cluster instance

  • I have a Windows 2000 cluster running with 3 SQL 2000 SP3 Named Instances. An application we are going to use requires replication. Normaly we don't include this with our base installs. I planned to added the replication components after the fact so I went ahead and ran the SQL install to add these. All was fine, selected the Named Instance I planned to add this to and when the option selection screen came up the "Add Components" button was grayed out! As a matter of fact everything was grayed out except "Uninstall Server" option!! Obviously this won't fly!

    Anyone one have this happen? I've added optional components before on stand-alone servers; never have tried on Named Instance or clustered environment. Doesn't make sense though!! I can't even add Books Online now the the server!

  • I ran into this exact problem on our Active/Active Win2003 cluster. We were forced to uninstall SQL, then re-install. We scoured the net, & finally gave in with a call to MS.

    This is something I will never forget to install... This incident has caused me to preach: "Only DBA's should install SQL Server" - never leave this task to a vendor or non-DBA!

    Good Luck!

    Chris Becker MCDBA OCP

    Chris Becker

  • Thanks - thought it was me!!!

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