Can''t start jobs

  • I am having some strange things going on with SQL Server Agent. Yesterday, it was taking up to 2 minutes to refresh the jobs in EM and when it came back the information wasn't necessarily correct (not showing the the correct status information). Running sp_helpjob also took a long time to run in query analyzer. 

    Cycling SQL Server Agent didn't help, but rebooting the server did. Now, I am still having issues showing the correct status,but it refreshes quickly. The other weird thing is that now this is happening on two servers. I can't start the job, but if I do, I can't tell that it is running. This happens from multiple workstations, Citrix, and remote controlling the server.

    I am running SQL 2000 SP3a on Windows 2000 sp4. I wonder if recent patches to the OS have caused issues with SQL Server Agent. However, the problems just started yesterday.


    Thanks for any help or insight,



    Aunt Kathi Data Platform MVP
    Author of Expert T-SQL Window Functions
    Simple-Talk Editor

  • Update: make that sp_help_job not sp_helpjob.

    I restarted SQL Server Agent on second server and now it is taking a long time to refresh and run sp_help_job but now can get a job to run at least.

    Aunt Kathi Data Platform MVP
    Author of Expert T-SQL Window Functions
    Simple-Talk Editor

  • Old school trick: after Daylight savings change, shutdown server, count to 30, and power on.

    I have found 3 of 16 2003 servers that where cured this week by using this method.

    Restart server and restart services did nothing to cure some very strange event log items, like process thread for 'timer' hung reported by the Blackberry Enterprise server.


  • I will definately add that to our maintenance.

    Rebooting the two servers fixed the SQL Agent problems. I also had different issues with SQL Mail on another server and then a system process started blocking users and snowballed from there.

    A time change and then Halloween...I thought the servers were haunted!

    Aunt Kathi Data Platform MVP
    Author of Expert T-SQL Window Functions
    Simple-Talk Editor

  • Time change as a possible cause of this ??? I do not understand how this could happen. Could someone provide some further information ? I ask this because we have 200+ servers, about 2/3 are Win2K3 and about 25 are SQL2000 database servers (some clustered and soime not). We did not have one single issue related to Windows or SQL during the recent time change.

    RegardsRudy KomacsarSenior Database Administrator"Ave Caesar! - Morituri te salutamus."

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