Your browser does not support scripts or has been configured not to allow scripts.

  • I've come across this before but can't find the setting now.

    I get this on a fresh OS install that has IE 6.0.3790.1830 installed.

    This setting is probably under Tools/Internet Options... but do you think I can find it again?

    Anyone else come across this? Your help would be appreciated.


  • Could be the security setting are out of synch.

      In Tools/Internet Options, Security tab.  Move the "Security for this zone" verticle slider bar in any direction, then select "Default level".

      In Tools/Internet Options, Advanced tab.  Click "Restore defaults"

      If you have Windows 2003, you should uninstall the Internet Explorer Advanced security application which comes is a windows component installed by default.

  • ...Or you can modify the setting directly in Tools | Options | Security tab | Custom Level button and setting the various settings under Scripting.


  • Hi guys ! I have the same problem when trying to execute a report on my reporting server.

    I enabled all scripting settings, but still nothing

    Any other ideas ? 

  • I ran into this error when viewing reports under different windows accounts.

    The difference between the working account and the non working accounts were the following settings.

    Note: Some of these are most likely non related to your issue.  try changing one at a time till it works then back out settings that you suspect are unrelated.

    See IE menu item -->> tools\internet options\security\custom level

    • Run components not signed with authenticode set to enable
    • Run components signed with authenticode set to enable
    • Binary and Script Behaviors set to enable
    • Download Signed activex controls set to prompt
    • Run Activex controls and plugins set to enable
    • Script activex controls marked safe for scripting set to enable
    • File download set to enable
    • Font download set to enable
    • Allow meta refresh set to enable
    • Allow web pages to use restricted protocols for active content set to prompt
    • Drag and drop or copy and paste files set to enable
    • Installation of desktop items set to prompt
    • Launch programs in an iframe set to enable
    • Navigate sub-frames across different domains set to enable
    • Open Fils based on content, not file extension set to enable
    • Software channel permissions set to medium
    • Userdata persistence set to enable
    • Websites in less privileged zone can navigate to this zone set to enable
    • Active scripting set to enable
    • Allow paste operations via script set to enable
    • Scripting of java applets set to enable
    • Logon automatic logon in intranert zone selected
  • I have set all the above security settings for my browser IE 6.0 but still i could not able to view by reports,

    I am creating a webpart which just display a reports

    i have used following code, but my report is not displayed the webpart is just blank and iam geting the same above error message in invisible mode.

    protected override void CreateChildControls()



    ReportViewer1 =

    new ReportViewer();

    this.Page.EnableViewState = true;

    ReportViewer1.EnableViewState =


    this.ReportViewer1.ServerReport.ReportServerUrl = new System.Uri("http://servername/reports");// i have even tried giving reportserver

    while (this.ReportViewer1.ServerReport.IsDrillthroughReport)




    string strReport = "/Configuration Reports/Report1";

    this.ReportViewer1.ServerReport.ReportPath = strReport;







    protected override void RenderContents(HtmlTextWriter writer)









    ReportViewer1.Visible =




    catch (Exception ex)


    lblError =

    new Label();

    lblError.Text = ex.Message;




    Appreciate for immediate Responce

  • Hi,

    I am also getting the same error while running reports in a webbrowser control.Reports are deployed in windows 2003 server.

    Is this a problem related to IE or IE security?

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