Embedded Custom Code

  • I am trying to create a embedded function that will accept a dataset field value and based on the value make an image visibility hidden or visible in the body of the report. Below is a sample of the embedded code.

    Function VisibleYN(subject as string,passedyn as boolean) as  double

    if subject = "Math" then

       mathimage.visibility = visible

    end if

    if subject = "Science" then

       scienceimage.visibility = visible

    end if

    THe following expression is in the visibility property tab of the textbox that holds the subject.

    code.visibleyn(fields!subject.value as string, passedyn as boolean)

    Any help would be appreciated!


  • Sorry I forgot to mention the error I am received.

    I receive an error that the mathimage is not declared. How do I reference an image in the body of the report. The field is within a list and based on the subject an image is displayed in the body of the report.

  • try this code:

    Public Shared Function VisibleYN(ByVal Value As String) As Boolean

     if subject = "Math" then

       VisibleYN= True



    end if

    if subject = "Science" then

       VisibleYN= True



    end if

    End Function

    Then on mathimage.visibility u set the hidden property=code.VisibleYN(fields!subject.value)

  • There is a list of images (checkmarks) in the body of the report. THe databound textbox control that is evaluating whether the image should be visible is contained in a list. Based on the value in the textbox I would like to make the approriate image(checkmark) visible. Can I reference a report item in the body of the report to  do something like reportitem.image.visible = true? If so how?

    Your help is appreciated.


    PS. It would really be great if report services had a checkbox control!

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