
  • I have the following question :


    I have an sql database , with eruropean language settings.. now i want to import some arabian letters, but that is not working (sql gives me back question marks)


    how can i configure my database so it can understand european aswell as arabian letters and figures..


    Thx for reading and posible answering my question



  • Have you tried creating a separate column for the arabic data and setting the collation on it to - SQL_Latin1_General_Cp1256_CS_AS - or whatever the collation is ?!

    as for configuring the database...you should read up on collation fundamentals on BOL - lots of useful information there on what your best approach should be for your particular requirements...

    **ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI !!!**

  • can you send me internet addy of BOL??

    thx verry much


  • The BOL is really a help tool that comes with SQL Server...but you can download it from Microsoft's site. Here's where you can find it:

    BOL=Books OnLine=Microsoft SQL Server's HELP

    Installed as part of the Client Tools

    Found at Start>Programs>Microsoft SQL Server>Books OnLine

    or online at:



  • Or use unicode columns - the nchar, nvarchar and ntext datatypes rather then char, varchar and text...  They should accept anything!

  • Thx for the help.


    I use now nvarchar for the variables and put a collation on that row in my sql tables.

    Pascal Wouters

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