Remote backup

  • I am planning to backup all my databases (SQL 2000) on reomote mounted drive that the SA call NAS PATH. The NAS path is something like this /vol/Backups/Prewsq01 and the UNC path is \\N36470\Prewsq01. How can I set this up in the SQL backup an d also usning Lite Speed back software?

  • This should be as simple as just using the UNC path (and file name) wherever the "conentional" path and file name are used, whether configured in a database maintenance plan, a directly coded BACKUP statement, or a parameter passed to SQL LiteSpeed's functions (I don't know how their GUI works).

    Be sure to configure your network such that the account the service generating the backup (probably SQL Agent) has the necessary access right to the share and target folder.



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