rs utility

  • I have had to change the password for the login I used to install Reporting Services. Both times I tried to use the rs utility to change it in RS. I searched and saw a couple different syntax examples to accomplish this and ended up both times having to reinstall RS to accomplish this. Has any one had the same issue, resolutions, examples? Any help woould be appreciated where as I don't want to have to keep installing RS.

  • Am assuming you used rsconfig.exe to do the change.  Do you have any examples of the parms you used when tryign to change the pwd?


  • Yes, I had to the the same. With help from Micorsoft they informed me I had to recreate the encrytped keys.

    If you didn't backups the keys before you changed the userids then you must first delete the keys, run the rsconfig utitlity and stop\restart some services.


    To delete the key:     RSKeymgmt -d    

    RSConfig.exe -c -s {SQL server name} -d {SRS_db} -a Windows -u {User} -p {pwd}

    rsconfig -c -s YourRSServer -d RSDatabaseName -a windows -u Domin\Userid -p SecurePassword


    net stop ReportServer

    net start ReportServer


  • Could you post how you unistalled / reinstalled RS? One of my "great" coworkers has jacked up my RS installation while I was on vacation and I can't uninstall, reinstall, or install RS period. I also can't seem to find any information on the steps to accomplish this. Vacations are bad, things mysteriously break while you're gone...

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