Is there a way to show backup % done progess?

  • When running the statement BACKUP DATABASE MyNwind TO MyNwind_2

    is there any other syntaxs available that will give the output (percentage complete) to this task?


    Appreciate replies.

  • There is an option STATS that defaults to 10%.

    Aunt Kathi Data Platform MVP
    Author of Expert T-SQL Window Functions
    Simple-Talk Editor

  • Hi,

    Peter, I can help you with the syntax.'Test' is my database and use the STATS option while backing up

    backup database test

    to disk = N'd:\test\testbackup.bak'

    with NAME= N'testbackup.bak',stats=10

    The Result would be something like this:

    99 percent backed up.

    Processed 80 pages for database 'test', file 'test' on file 3.

    100 percent backed up.

    Processed 1 pages for database 'test', file 'test_log' on file 3.

    BACKUP DATABASE successfully processed 81 pages in 0.242 seconds (2.712 MB/sec).

    My database is too small to be counted.Hope this helps you.

  • Great thnxs for your help!  Its worked out perfectly

  • Try DBCC OUTPUTBUFFER (spid) . Where spid is the backup process. This is as or more accurate than the stats option.

  • Do you know the command to cause the results to show up in Query Analyzer as they happen instead of when the batch is completed?


    Aunt Kathi Data Platform MVP
    Author of Expert T-SQL Window Functions
    Simple-Talk Editor

  • I'm not positive, but I believe that in QA if you go into Tools-Options-Results and select 'Scroll results as received', the output will get displayed as it's returned. (It may only work with text output.)

  • Thanks! I knew it would be somthing obvious that I overlooked!

    Aunt Kathi Data Platform MVP
    Author of Expert T-SQL Window Functions
    Simple-Talk Editor

  • I see the DBCC inputbuffer (spid) will give what are the current statement is running...but don't about DBCC outputbuffer(spid).

    Can you pls describe about DBCC OUTPUTBUFFER and give some more clarification on different between INPUTBUFFER and OUTPUTBIFFER....

    Thanks in advance 🙂

  • peterus (1/3/2006)

    Try DBCC OUTPUTBUFFER (spid) . Where spid is the backup process. This is as or more accurate than the stats option.

    I see the DBCC inputbuffer (spid) will give what are the current statement is running...but don't about DBCC outputbuffer(spid).

    Can you pls describe about DBCC OUTPUTBUFFER and give some more clarification on different between INPUTBUFFER and OUTPUTBIFFER....

    Thanks in advance 🙂

  • mohan.bndr (4/13/2015)

    peterus (1/3/2006)

    Try DBCC OUTPUTBUFFER (spid) . Where spid is the backup process. This is as or more accurate than the stats option.

    I see the DBCC inputbuffer (spid) will give what are the current statement is running...but don't about DBCC outputbuffer(spid).

    Can you pls describe about DBCC OUTPUTBUFFER and give some more clarification on different between INPUTBUFFER and OUTPUTBIFFER....

    Thanks in advance 🙂

    please check the below link

  • EDIT : I have just figured out the post is very old and is for SQL 7 , 2000 🙂

    Hi Peter,

    Below the query I use for this purpose:

    SELECT percent_complete, start_time,

    DATEADD(MILLISECOND, (estimated_completion_time + total_elapsed_time), start_time) AS estimate_end_time,

    SUBSTRING(T.text, 1 + CHARINDEX('[', T.text), CHARINDEX(']', T.text) - 1 - CHARINDEX('[', T.text)) AS DatabaseName,


    FROM sys.dm_exec_requests R

    CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(R.sql_handle) T

    WHERE session_id > 50

    AND command LIKE '%back%' OR command LIKE '%rest%';

    Hope it will help,


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