Report timing out

  • I have a report based on a complex query that takes a long time to run and is timing out. I've tuned indexes the best I know how, I've set the "Do not timeout report execution" in the Home page Site Settings and in the individual report properties, but it still times out. Any suggestions will be most appreciated.


    Thanks in advance,


  • Can you post the query, the execution plan and the table definition with its indexes... maybe we can speed it up still (don't know any time out settings in reporting services).

  • The rendering of the report may not be timing out but the IE session maybe timing out.  IIS times out session after 20 minutes by default.  That is the message on the time out.  Have you tried to schedule running of this report at night and render the report from the snapshot?


  • I didn't know about the IIS time out, but I'll check it. There was no message indicating the reason for timeout.


    Here's the query:


    SELECT     dbo.Reps.RepNumber, dbo.ShelfAudHeader.CustomerNumber, dbo.Customers.Name, dbo.Chains.Chain, dbo.Customers.City,

                          dbo.Customers.Name AS Customer, dbo.ShelfAudHeader.TrxnDate, dbo.Products.Description, dbo.ShelfAudDetail.Facings,

                          CASE WHEN ActualPrice = '0' THEN NULL ELSE Actualprice END AS ShelfPrice, dbo.Reps.RepName, dbo.Supervisors.Supervisor,

                          dbo.Supervisors.SupervisorID, dbo.ShelfAudDetail.ItemNumber, dbo.Regions.Region, CASE WHEN LEFT(shelfauddetail.itemnumber, 1)

                          > 4 THEN '' ELSE Facings END AS OurFacings, CASE WHEN LEFT(shelfauddetail.itemnumber, 1) > 4 THEN Facings ELSE '' END AS CompetFacings,

                          dbo.ShelfAudDetail.OOS AS OutOfStockCount, dbo.Reps.RouteNumber, dbo.Chains.ChainID,

                          dbo.ShelfAudHeader.CustomerNumber + ' ' + CAST(dbo.ShelfAudHeader.TrxnDate AS nvarchar(12)) AS CustAudits,

                          dbo.ShelfAudDetail.SPFlag AS PromoCount

    FROM         dbo.Chains INNER JOIN

                          dbo.Customers ON dbo.Chains.ChainID = dbo.Customers.ChainNumber INNER JOIN

                          dbo.ShelfAudHeader ON dbo.Customers.CustomerNumber = dbo.ShelfAudHeader.CustomerNumber INNER JOIN

                          dbo.ShelfAudDetail INNER JOIN

                          dbo.Products ON dbo.ShelfAudDetail.ItemNumber = dbo.Products.ItemNumber ON

                          dbo.ShelfAudHeader.TransactionId = dbo.ShelfAudDetail.TransactionId AND dbo.ShelfAudHeader.RepNumber = dbo.ShelfAudDetail.RepNumber AND

                          dbo.ShelfAudDetail.TrxnDate = dbo.ShelfAudHeader.TrxnDate INNER JOIN

                          dbo.Supervisors INNER JOIN

                          dbo.Reps ON dbo.Supervisors.SupervisorID = dbo.Reps.SupervisorID INNER JOIN

                          dbo.Regions ON dbo.Supervisors.Region = dbo.Regions.Region ON dbo.ShelfAudHeader.RepNumber = dbo.Reps.RepNumber

    WHERE     (ShelfAudHeader.TrxnDate BETWEEN @DateRange1 AND @DateRange2) AND (Chains.ChainID = @ChainID OR

                          @ChainID = - 1) AND (Regions.Region = @Region Or @Region = 'All Regions') AND (NOT EXISTS

                              (SELECT     *

                                FROM          vw_invalidauditjoin

                                WHERE      custauditsinvalid = (shelfaudheader.customernumber + ' ' + cast(shelfaudheader.trxndate AS nvarchar(12)))))




    SELECT     dbo.ShelfAudHeader.CustomerNumber + ' ' + CAST(dbo.ShelfAudHeader.TrxnDate AS nvarchar(12)) AS CustAuditsInvalid,

                          dbo.ShelfAudHeader.TransactionId, dbo.ShelfAudHeader.RepNumber

    FROM         dbo.ShelfAudHeader INNER JOIN

                          dbo.ShelfAudDetail INNER JOIN

                          dbo.Products ON dbo.ShelfAudDetail.ItemNumber = dbo.Products.ItemNumber ON

                          dbo.ShelfAudHeader.TransactionId = dbo.ShelfAudDetail.TransactionId AND dbo.ShelfAudHeader.RepNumber = dbo.ShelfAudDetail.RepNumber AND

                          dbo.ShelfAudHeader.TrxnDate = dbo.ShelfAudDetail.TrxnDate

    WHERE     (dbo.ShelfAudDetail.Facings > 9) OR

                          (CASE WHEN shelfAudDetail.ActualPrice = 0 THEN NULL ELSE ShelfAudDetail.Actualprice END > 3.99) OR

                          (CASE WHEN shelfAudDetail.ActualPrice = 0 THEN NULL ELSE ShelfAudDetail.Actualprice END < dbo.Products.UtilityValue - .004)


    ShelfAudHeader indexes: RepNumber, TransactionID, TransactionID, TrxnTime

    Products index: ItemNumber

    No indexes on ShelfAudDetail

    Customers indexes: CustomerNumber, ChainNumber

    Supervisors index: SupervisorID

    Reps index: RepNumber

    Regions index: Region

    Chains index: ChainID


  • Can you post the query plan?? We can help you without that... except to tell you that the table with no index can be slowing things down.

    Do you have a table/index/clustered index scan in the query plan?

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