Cube Copy/Paste error

  • I'm trying to do a normal copy/paste of a cube and I get this error message.

    Error Window Caption - Copy/Paste error

    Error Message:An unexpected internal error has occured.Please restart the application.

    Please HELP! Recreating a new cube is time consuming, unless its the last/only option.

    Thank u


  • I assume you are doing this from Analysis Manager?  What service pack are you running?  You should be at least at SP3 of both SQL Server 2000 and of Analysis Services 2000.  Anything prior is SP3 is a waste of time, and SP4 is also available.

    - Rick

  • Thank U...I'll check the SP version.

  • I really need help on this error/problem. I have SP4 running on the server. Any other cause why I can't copy/paste a cube. There is more than sufficient hard disk space too.

  • You can either try the Metadata scripter included in the SQL Server 2000 Resource Kit, or simply archive/restore the database (this way you cannot rename the cube ).


  • just fyi, there is an updated version of the scripter that comes with the SQL Accelerator for BI (the excel driven cube, dts, sql builder thingo ). 


  • Hi,


    I tried and experienced that if u have shared dimensions then the copy works fine in the same analysis manager in diffrent databases or in same database name.

    but if the dimensions are not shared it give the error as u metioned.

    but this issue had been solved in sp4.




  • My cube contains both private and shared dimensions and I am trying to do a Copy/Paste withing the same database. (Not across databases) and its running on SP4.

    The error still persists. HELP.

  • We are having the same problem with a large (>2gb) cube.  It works fine with small cubes.  How large is your cube?

  • I am getting this error irrespective of cube size(even 0.03mb). If you get to sort this issue, do let me know.

    Many Thanks

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