Maintenance Plan Failures After Power Outages

  • When we have power outages here, one of our database servers has trouble running its maintenance plans.  I've noticed that the ownership on the maintenance plans revert to old credentials that haven't been in place in over a few months.  I end up having to delete the maintenance plans and recreate them with proper credentials.  It gets to be annoying having to re-create them each time we have an outage.

    Is there a way for me to save my maintenance plan information and commit it to the database so that the next time it fails in a power outage, it'd come back with maintenance plans with the right credentials?

    Thanks in advance for any help and suggestions!

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  • In case it helps:

    The server is SQL Server 2000 SP3, running on Windows 2000 Server SP2.

  • Are you having to restore any databases when you lose power?

    The maintenance plan info is stored in msdb.sysdbmaintplans as well as a few other tables. The owner user name is stored in that table as well as job info in other tables. If you are restoring an old backup of the msdb database, you might be reverting back to the old user names.

    Regards, Jim C

  • Thankfully, all the databases come up on their own without any problems once I start the server.  Could it be possible for SQL Server itself to be reverting to an old msdb?  If so, how can I tell it to use a more recent version of msdb?

    My system databases backup at least once a week, so I have at least one newer version for it.


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