Ftp Problem



    I am having problem to transfer a text file to IBM mainframe using ftp.

    The following is the command that I used.

    FTP 147.xx.xx.xxx



    put c:fileabc.txt

    After 125 storing data set

    I got 250 Transfer completed <data was truncated.

    Do anyone know why I got <data was truncated>?

    Please help!



  • It's been a long time since I've done this, but I seem to remember that the mainframe liked to have additional information about the imported files such as record length (LRECL)  and record format (RECFM fixed or variable), otherwise it defaults to some size and format that no one in their right mind would use. You also might have to tell it to translate ASCII to EDCDIC if you want to process the file on the mainframe.  If you can grab the manual for the FTP version used on the mainframe from the system programmer, it might have the correct parameters documented.

    And then again, I might be wrong ...
    David Webb

  • Try using the binary command prior to using the put command.

  • It could also be a space issue, the default file size is normally fairly small.  Try preallocating the file on the mainframe.

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