Restore Tlog Error

  • Dear All,


    I'm trying to restore my tlog's from primary server onto a standby server by setting up schedules. But my restore sometimes fail and i tracked this error in Events log

    "SQL Server Scheduled Job 'Restore Log' (0x01C75F44C54E344FAA94AA7ACCD1E572) - Status: Failed - Invoked on: 2005-06-18 02:29:00 - Message: The job failed. The Job was invoked by Schedule 2 (Restore every 15 mins). The last step to run was step 1 (Restore Transaction Log every 15 mins).


    Can anyone please throw light on this one?

    Warm Regards,


  • Were there any other errors in the SQL Server error log?  That one doesn't do us much good.  You might try to have more time between the backups and restores.

    Derrick Leggett
    Mean Old DBA
    When life gives you a lemon, fire the DBA.

  • As you've seen this error message is useless.  In order to get a better error message try editting the job step and including an output file in the advanced tab.  This will put a much better error message into the output file you specify.

  • Thanks!

    Actually, this was coming due to overlapping restores. Im looking into this and will update u with the detailed error if it comes next time.



  • if you are having overlapping restores than typically the error was related to one of two things.

    1)  An I/O error resulting from a huge number of concurrent writes to your data disk system or from a huge number of concurrent reads from your backup device.


    2)  A file locking issue if you were trying to restore multiple databases from a single backup file.  Could it be possible that you were trying to append a backupset to an existing backup file that was being restored from?  This could also result in a file locking issue.

  • Yes, the second option was causing the trouble. Thanks again.


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