How to change server name

  • HI,

       I want to change the server name in SQL Server.I am unable to do it.

      Can anybody help me out??


    As per Syed If I drop the server first and then add another server

    Can I get all my databases with data in new database??


    I am using Sql Server version 7 & 2000 but in different machine.

    May I follow the same steps for SQL Server 7 also ?? 

    Thanks & Regards

    Niladri Saha


    Thanks & Regards,

    Niladri Kumar Saha

  • You can rename the windows computer directly from My Computer Properties or system from control panel. You will be able to connect after restarting your machine.

    To update sysservers system table use these two stored procedures.

    sp_dropserver OldServerName


    sp_addserver NewServerName, local


    If you have more than one instance then still the process is same and you have to do it one by one for each instance.

    sp_dropserver OldServerName\instancename


    sp_addserver NewServerName\instancename, local


    Dont forget to backup your master database after doing these changes.


    Kindest Regards,

    Sr. SQL Server DBA

  • Don't forget update the column originating_server of sysjobs with new server name in msdb.

  • Once you executed Sp_dropserver 'oldservername'

    and sp_addserver 'newservername','local'

    you can verify the server name by

    Select @@servername.

    Now the servername should reflect the new server name.

    Otherwise stop and start the SQL Server service again and test the servername again.

    Sivaprasad S - [ SIVA ][/url][/url]

  • Renaming SQL Server does not effect any databases or data inside them. All your databases should be there after successful rename of computer.

    Kindest Regards,

    Sr. SQL Server DBA

  • Which version of SQL Server are you running? I believe everyone here assumes you are running SQL Server 2000.

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