Index Tuning Wizard Help

  • Can the inxdex tuning wizrd run over an entire stored procedure? I'm having trouble doing this.. If I run the tuning wizard over just select statement within the stored procedure, then its ok..  I have a rather large stored procedure with many select statements.. 

    Any help would be appreciated.. rather new to this.. thanx..

  • I guess it can:

    You can select SQL query analyzer selection, sql server trace table, workload file.

    The easiest way to run it over on an entire sp: type "exec sp..." into Query analizer, than run the tuning wizard for this section.

    The problem is (or may be) that you have to specify the parameters of the sp. (A large sp's behavior could be very different depending on it parameters.)

    I prefer to run a profiler and than run the sp with several different parameters (with the commonly used parameters), than run the tunning wizard on the trace table.

    I hope it helps

  • I agree with Tanula. I used the index tuning wizard when first getting into SQL Server and have come to find out that many of the recomendations it comes up with are are not what I am looking for at all. I highly recommend getting very familiar with reading query plans and making your indexing decisions based on that data.

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