Identical simultaneaous Full and Trans Log Backups??

  • Is there a way within SQL to have three identical simultaneaous full then transactional backups happening to one DB so I  have the choice to Restore from any three??

  • SQL Server 2005 will be able to do this, writing up to 4 devices.  For SQL2K, our product, MiniSQLBackup, has 2 options for this:

    • simultaneous creation of the backup file(s) on all selected folders
    • copying of the backup files to one or more folders using the COPYTO option after the backup file has been created

    SQL BAK Explorer - read SQL Server backup file details without SQL Server.
    Supports backup files created with SQL Server 2005 up to SQL Server 2017.

  • When you do a full it does a trans log backup at the end and apends it to the actuall full. A diff does not do a tlog backup and you have to do a tlog backup after a diff to clar out the log. I have worked in 99.999 shops and have never had the need to to a tlog on top of a full backup. Can you explain what you are trying to do and what you expect to gain by it?


  • Wesley what I wanted to do is 3 Full backups every 8th hour (same database to different devices) simultaneuosly and then trans log backups every hour inbetween. Not Full and Trans at the same time. But cause 2000 does support simultaneaous/mirrored backups I will either have to purchase a 3rd party util. or rotate my back up to 3 different devices in 8 hour shifts.

  • I think I get it now. You are trying to make sure that you are assured of a full backup every 8 hours no matter what. It still seems like over kill. I don't know of any third party tools that will duplicate the VDI stream 3 times to three devices. I think you are right you choices are to rotate between three devices or write to disk and copy to three diffrent devices once the full is done. I am assuming this database is small enough to take the performance hit for backing it up every 8 hours?


  • Wesley, the database is small - it takes 26 secs to backup locally and 1:16 to backup remotely. I have now a third hurricane to prepare for and tape backup with one drive sucks!(Plus I have a lot of other things to back up) Overkill is a luxury I can have with a small database right now. Peter Yeoh has software that will simultaneously backup to multiple devices. You can find MiniSQLBackup at  and SQL 2005 will have the ability to backup to 4 devices at once. Thanks.

  • Alex, I should add that if all you want is to perform 3 backups simultaneously (no compression, encryption etc) and you can read a little C, I suggest you download the VDI toolkit from here

    There are 4 sample apps here that you can look at, and you just need to create an extra 2 file streams and modify the code a little so that you can specify the alternate paths (maybe even hardcode it), and you're basically done.

    SQL BAK Explorer - read SQL Server backup file details without SQL Server.
    Supports backup files created with SQL Server 2005 up to SQL Server 2017.

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