Can anyone help with this ?

  • I'm trying to monitor databases and am using Perfmon to collect the data and then write it out to the tables generated by the set 'Log File Type= SQL Database'. the collection of data is okay but the format not so good so I've written some SQL to collect the cpu usage stats and produce a single row per collection rather than having the 5 entries on 5 rows. The only problem is the query is extremely slow and has been written by me!!. I know it can be made better - so who wants a go?

    select distinct a.CounterDateTime as ' Time' ,

                    a.CounterValue as 'Total % Used',

                    b.CounterValue as 'P1 % Used',

                    c.CounterValue as 'P2 % Used',

                    d.CounterValue as 'P3 % Used',

                    e.CounterValue as 'P4 % Used'

    from dbo.CounterData a,

         dbo.CounterData b,

         dbo.CounterData c,

         dbo.CounterData d,

         dbo.CounterData e,

         dbo.counterdetails f

    where a.countervalue =  (select a1.countervalue

                               from dbo.Counterdata a1,

                                    dbo.Counterdetails a2

                              where a1.counterid = a2.counterid

                                and a1.counterID=A.CounterId

                  and a.counterdatetime=a1.counterdatetime 

                               and a2.instancename='_Total'

                 and a2.objectname='processor'

                 and a2.countername='% Processor Time'

                 and a2.Machinename='\\notnt32')

    and b.countervalue =  (select b1.countervalue

                           from dbo.Counterdata b1,

                                dbo.Counterdetails b2

                           where b1.counterid = b2.counterid

        and b1.counterID=B.CounterId     

                             and a.counterdatetime=b1.counterdatetime

                             and b2.instancename='0'

       and b2.objectname='processor'

             and b2.countername='% Processor Time'

             and b2.Machinename='\\notnt32')

    and c.countervalue =  (select c1.countervalue

                           from dbo.Counterdata c1,

                                dbo.Counterdetails c2

                           where c1.counterid = c2.counterid

        and c1.counterID=c.CounterId     

                             and a.counterdatetime=c1.counterdatetime

                             and c2.instancename='1'

        and c2.objectname='processor'

             and c2.countername='% Processor Time'

             and c2.Machinename='\\notnt32')

    and d.countervalue =  (select d1.countervalue

                           from dbo.Counterdata d1,

                                dbo.Counterdetails d2

                           where d1.counterid = d2.counterid

        and d1.counterID=d.CounterId     

                             and a.counterdatetime=d1.counterdatetime

                             and d2.instancename='2'

       and d2.objectname='processor'

             and d2.countername='% Processor Time'

             and d2.Machinename='\\notnt32')

    and e.countervalue =  (select e1.countervalue

                           from dbo.Counterdata e1,

                                dbo.Counterdetails e2

                           where e1.counterid = e2.counterid

        and e1.counterID=e.CounterId     

                             and a.counterdatetime=e1.counterdatetime

                             and e2.instancename='2'

       and e2.objectname='processor'

             and e2.countername='% Processor Time'

             and e2.Machinename='\\notnt32')


    and f.objectname='processor'

    and f.countername='% Processor Time'

    and f.Machinename='\\notnt32'

    order by a.counterdatetime     

  • Can you use the real inner join syntaxe. You might have a big fat series of cross joins in that query.

    Can you post the execution plan?

  • How do I do this ? If I drag the doc into the window It opens it and I lose this window. You'll have to bear with me but I'm new to this!!

  • set showplan_text on


    --query goes here


    set showplan_text oFF

  • I've done that!! do you just want me to cut and paste it into this dialogue or is there some way of attaching the saved excel file ?

  • Just paste the text here.

  •   |--Stream Aggregate(GROUP BY[a].[CounterDateTime], [a].[CounterValue], .[CounterValue], [c].[CounterValue], [d].[CounterValue], [e].[CounterValue]))

           |--Nested Loops(Inner Join)

                |--Sort(ORDER BY[a].[CounterDateTime] ASC, [a].[CounterValue] ASC, .[CounterValue] ASC, [c].[CounterValue] ASC, [d].[CounterValue] ASC, [e].[CounterValue] ASC))

                |    |--Filter(WHERE[e].[CounterValue]=[Expr1022]))

                |         |--Nested Loops(Inner Join, OUTER REFERENCES[a].[CounterDateTime], [e].[CounterID]))

                |              |--Nested Loops(Inner Join)

                |              |    |--Filter(WHERE[d].[CounterValue]=[Expr1024]))

                |              |    |    |--Nested Loops(Inner Join, OUTER REFERENCES[a].[CounterDateTime], [d].[CounterID]))

                |              |    |         |--Nested Loops(Inner Join)

                |              |    |         |    |--Filter(WHERE[c].[CounterValue]=[Expr1026]))

                |              |    |         |    |    |--Nested Loops(Inner Join, OUTER REFERENCES[a].[CounterDateTime], [c].[CounterID]))

                |              |    |         |    |         |--Nested Loops(Inner Join)

                |              |    |         |    |         |    |--Filter(WHERE.[CounterValue]=[Expr1028]))

                |              |    |         |    |         |    |    |--Nested Loops(Inner Join, OUTER REFERENCES[a].[CounterDateTime], .[CounterID]))

                |              |    |         |    |         |    |         |--Nested Loops(Inner Join)

                |              |    |         |    |         |    |         |    |--Filter(WHERE[a].[CounterValue]=[Expr1030]))

                |              |    |         |    |         |    |         |    |    |--Nested Loops(Inner Join, OUTER REFERENCES[a].[CounterID], [a].[CounterDateTime]))

                |              |    |         |    |         |    |         |    |         |--Clustered Index Scan(OBJECT[monitor].[dbo].[CounterData].[PK__CounterData__4E88ABD4] AS [a]))

                |              |    |         |    |         |    |         |    |         |--Hash Match(Cache, HASH[a].[CounterID], [a].[CounterDateTime]), RESIDUAL[a].[CounterID]=[a].[CounterID] AND [a].[CounterDateTime]=[a].[CounterDateTime]))

                |              |    |         |    |         |    |         |    |              |--Assert(WHEREIf ([Expr1029]>1) then 0 else NULL))

                |              |    |         |    |         |    |         |    |                   |--Stream Aggregate(DEFINE[Expr1029]=Count(*), [Expr1030]=ANY([a1].[CounterValue])))

                |              |    |         |    |         |    |         |    |                        |--Nested Loops(Inner Join)

                |              |    |         |    |         |    |         |    |                             |--Filter(WHERE([a2].[ObjectName]='processor' AND [a2].[MachineName]='\\notnt32') AND [a2].[InstanceName]='_Total'))

                |              |    |         |    |         |    |         |    |                             |    |--Clustered Index Seek(OBJECT[monitor].[dbo].[CounterDetails].[PK__CounterDetails__4CA06362] AS [a2]), SEEK[a2].[CounterID]=[a].[CounterID]

                |              |    |         |    |         |    |         |    |                             |--Index Spool(SEEK[a1].[CounterID]=[a].[CounterID] AND [a1].[CounterDateTime]=[a].[CounterDateTime]))

                |              |    |         |    |         |    |         |    |                                  |--Clustered Index Scan(OBJECT[monitor].[dbo].[CounterData].[PK__CounterData__4E88ABD4] AS [a1]))

                |              |    |         |    |         |    |         |    |--Table Spool

                |              |    |         |    |         |    |         |         |--Index Scan(OBJECT[monitor].[dbo].[CounterData].[CounterData_Index_1] AS ))

                |              |    |         |    |         |    |         |--Hash Match(Cache, HASH[a].[CounterDateTime], .[CounterID]), RESIDUAL[a].[CounterDateTime]=[a].[CounterDateTime] AND .[CounterID]=.[CounterID]))

                |              |    |         |    |         |    |              |--Assert(WHEREIf ([Expr1027]>1) then 0 else NULL))

                |              |    |         |    |         |    |                   |--Stream Aggregate(DEFINE[Expr1027]=Count(*), [Expr1028]=ANY([b1].[CounterValue])))

                |              |    |         |    |         |    |                        |--Nested Loops(Inner Join)

                |              |    |         |    |         |    |                             |--Filter(WHERE([b2].[ObjectName]='processor' AND [b2].[MachineName]='\\notnt32') AND [b2].[InstanceName]='0'))

                |              |    |         |    |         |    |                             |    |--Clustered Index Seek(OBJECT[monitor].[dbo].[CounterDetails].[PK__CounterDetails__4CA06362] AS [b2]), SEEK[b2].[CounterID]=.[CounterID]),  WHERE[b2]

                |              |    |         |    |         |    |                             |--Index Spool(SEEK[b1].[CounterID]=.[CounterID] AND [b1].[CounterDateTime]=[a].[CounterDateTime]))

                |              |    |         |    |         |    |                                  |--Clustered Index Scan(OBJECT[monitor].[dbo].[CounterData].[PK__CounterData__4E88ABD4] AS [b1]))

                |              |    |         |    |         |    |--Table Spool

                |              |    |         |    |         |         |--Index Scan(OBJECT[monitor].[dbo].[CounterData].[CounterData_Index_1] AS [c]))

                |              |    |         |    |         |--Hash Match(Cache, HASH[a].[CounterDateTime], [c].[CounterID]), RESIDUAL[a].[CounterDateTime]=[a].[CounterDateTime] AND [c].[CounterID]=[c].[CounterID]))

                |              |    |         |    |              |--Assert(WHEREIf ([Expr1025]>1) then 0 else NULL))

                |              |    |         |    |                   |--Stream Aggregate(DEFINE[Expr1025]=Count(*), [Expr1026]=ANY([c1].[CounterValue])))

                |              |    |         |    |                        |--Nested Loops(Inner Join)

                |              |    |         |    |                             |--Filter(WHERE([c2].[ObjectName]='processor' AND [c2].[MachineName]='\\notnt32') AND [c2].[InstanceName]='1'))

                |              |    |         |    |                             |    |--Clustered Index Seek(OBJECT[monitor].[dbo].[CounterDetails].[PK__CounterDetails__4CA06362] AS [c2]), SEEK[c2].[CounterID]=[c].[CounterID]),  WHERE[c2].[CounterName]=

                |              |    |         |    |                             |--Index Spool(SEEK[c1].[CounterID]=[c].[CounterID] AND [c1].[CounterDateTime]=[a].[CounterDateTime]))

                |              |    |         |    |                                  |--Clustered Index Scan(OBJECT[monitor].[dbo].[CounterData].[PK__CounterData__4E88ABD4] AS [c1]))

                |              |    |         |    |--Table Spool

                |              |    |         |         |--Index Scan(OBJECT[monitor].[dbo].[CounterData].[CounterData_Index_1] AS [d]))

                |              |    |         |--Hash Match(Cache, HASH[a].[CounterDateTime], [d].[CounterID]), RESIDUAL[a].[CounterDateTime]=[a].[CounterDateTime] AND [d].[CounterID]=[d].[CounterID]))

                |              |    |              |--Assert(WHEREIf ([Expr1023]>1) then 0 else NULL))

                |              |    |                   |--Stream Aggregate(DEFINE[Expr1023]=Count(*), [Expr1024]=ANY([d1].[CounterValue])))

                |              |    |                        |--Nested Loops(Inner Join)

                |              |    |                             |--Filter(WHERE([d2].[ObjectName]='processor' AND [d2].[MachineName]='\\notnt32') AND [d2].[InstanceName]='2'))

                |              |    |                             |    |--Clustered Index Seek(OBJECT[monitor].[dbo].[CounterDetails].[PK__CounterDetails__4CA06362] AS [d2]), SEEK[d2].[CounterID]=[d].[CounterID]),  WHERE[d2].[CounterName]='% Processor Ti

                |              |    |                             |--Index Spool(SEEK[d1].[CounterID]=[d].[CounterID] AND [d1].[CounterDateTime]=[a].[CounterDateTime]))

                |              |    |                                  |--Clustered Index Scan(OBJECT[monitor].[dbo].[CounterData].[PK__CounterData__4E88ABD4] AS [d1]))

                |              |    |--Table Spool

                |              |         |--Index Scan(OBJECT[monitor].[dbo].[CounterData].[CounterData_Index_1] AS [e]))

                |              |--Hash Match(Cache, HASH[a].[CounterDateTime], [e].[CounterID]), RESIDUAL[a].[CounterDateTime]=[a].[CounterDateTime] AND [e].[CounterID]=[e].[CounterID]))

                |                   |--Assert(WHEREIf ([Expr1021]>1) then 0 else NULL))

                |                        |--Stream Aggregate(DEFINE[Expr1021]=Count(*), [Expr1022]=ANY([e1].[CounterValue])))

                |                             |--Nested Loops(Inner Join)

                |                                  |--Filter(WHERE([e2].[ObjectName]='processor' AND [e2].[MachineName]='\\notnt32') AND [e2].[InstanceName]='2'))

                |                                  |    |--Clustered Index Seek(OBJECT[monitor].[dbo].[CounterDetails].[PK__CounterDetails__4CA06362] AS [e2]), SEEK[e2].[CounterID]=[e].[CounterID]),  WHERE[e2].[CounterName]='% Processor Time') ORDERED FO

                |                                  |--Index Spool(SEEK[e1].[CounterID]=[e].[CounterID] AND [e1].[CounterDateTime]=[a].[CounterDateTime]))

                |                                       |--Clustered Index Scan(OBJECT[monitor].[dbo].[CounterData].[PK__CounterData__4E88ABD4] AS [e1]))

                |--Row Count Spool

                     |--Filter(WHERE[f].[CounterName]='% Processor Time' AND [f].[MachineName]='\\notnt32'))

                          |--Clustered Index Scan(OBJECT[monitor].[dbo].[CounterDetails].[PK__CounterDetails__4CA06362] AS [f]), WHERE[f].[ObjectName]='processor'))

  • You have 11 scans in this query... no wonder why it's so slow.

    Can you rewrite the query so it uses ansi92 standards?

    (Select 1 from a inner join b on =

  • I tried and got the first one:

    select b.CounterDateTime as ' Time' ,

           b.CounterValue as 'Total % Used'


    dbo.CounterDetails a Inner join

    dbo.Counterdata b on a.counterID=B.CounterId

    where  a.objectname='processor'

    and a.countername='% Processor Time'

    and a.Machinename='\\notnt32'

    but as soon as I tried to put a second inner join in I wasn't getting the data I needed - I don't think I was specifying the correct conditions to do this.

  • This is one case where the wizards of enterprise manager can be usefull... Just create a new view and use the wizard to connect the tables (if you don't already have foreign keys). Then you'll just have to add the where conditions.

  • From what I read this query MIGHT be what you need

    SELECT CounterID, CounterDateTime,MAX(C1) AS 'Total % Used',MAX(C2)  AS 'P1 % Used',

     MAX(C3) AS 'P2 % Used', MAX(C4)  AS 'P3 % Used', MAX(C5)  AS 'P4 % Used'


    (SELECT  CounterDateTime , C1.CounterID AS CounterID

            CASE WHEN C2.IntsanceName='_Total' CounterValue Else 0 END C1,

     CASE WHEN C2.IntsanceName='0' CounterValue Else 0 END C2,

     CASE WHEN C2.IntsanceName='1' CounterValue Else 0 END C3,

     CASE WHEN C2.IntsanceName='2' CounterValue Else 0 END C4,

     CASE WHEN C2.IntsanceName='2' CounterValue Else 0 END C5

    FROM dbo.Counterdata c1,dbo.Counterdetails c2

    WHERE c1.counterid = c2.counterid

        and (c2.instancename='1' OR c2.instancename='_Total' OR c2.instancename='0' OR c2.InstanceName='1' OR c2.InstanceName='2')

        and c2.objectname='processor'

        and c2.countername='% Processor Time'

        and c2.Machinename='\\notnt32')

    GROUP BY CounterID, CounterDateTime

    Order By CounterDateTime


    If you post the tables and sample data with the result you might be able to get more help


    Kindest Regards,


Viewing 11 posts - 1 through 10 (of 10 total)

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