Cancel Restore - DB stays at Loading

  • Hi I hit OK button on restore dialogue and then hit cancel button. ( I did not want to restore )

    I wanted to check the last good back up set. It appears that my back up was hanging from sept.

    So my last good back up is sept ( DB and logs ) :0((((. Can I restore and use the ,ldf to rollforward. If yes, how is that done?



  • Ok I'll rephrase that.

    Once you have issued the command to restore what is the first thing SQL Server does? Does it truncate the log file?

    Is there any way to recover those transaction? Is their a way to recover from a LSN number rather then a point in time ?


  • Hi Sylvain

    in order to check your backup for the last good one, you could have used the RESTORE HEADER_ONLY command. This should give you all the information needed.

    About your other questions

    1) Once you issued the restore command the SQL Server first checks the backup file if it is valid. If this check is succesfull, it drops and recreates the datafile(s) you want to restore. I'm not sure if the logfile is truncated or replaced but either way, since the datfile is recreated the LSN won't fit anyway.

    2) No, there no internal possibility to restore from or to a specific LSN. You can use some tools like Logexplorer, which give you the option of undo or redo specific transactions even though at least with Logexplorer this functionality is not included in the trial version.

    Good luck


    [font="Verdana"]Markus Bohse[/font]

  • Thank you,

    Unfortunetly my last good backup is from a month ago :0(. My maintenance was failling and I overlooked it ( my mistake ). On top of that I mistakly restored my DB to the last good backup.

    In fact,I wanted to Backup my DB and choose restore window from EM and then when I wanted to get out I mistakly pressed OK. I tried cancel button that is available and got the result you see in this post.So why cancel buttton does not cancel the restore operation ? Should it be better named abort ?  

    So now I have data dated from last month. I have only 200 records that were lost so we are going to manually update them :sick I have to pay the price&nbsp.

    I should rename my post to horror story!!!

  • You have my sympathy, but this is a prime example of why I don't use the maintenance plans nor the 'point and click' shortcuts in Enterprise Manager. Too much chance of something going wrong.

    I script the commands myself and create my own jobs. That way I always (hopefully) know what's running and happening. And I can run just what I want and when I want.

    I suggest that you use the 'do it yourself' method from now on. If you need to do an unscheduled backup, type the commands in Query Analyzer....then if you accidentally do a RESTORE it's because that's what you typed.


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