Stuck on a tricky query ... please help?

  • Hi all, I have a table that contains details of news stories associated with specific entities. I have a need to be able to select the single most recent news story per entity, regardless of the individual date for each entity. My table is setup as follows

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[news] (

     [news_id] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,

     [news_entity_id] [int] NULL ,

     [news_entity_area_id] [int] NULL ,

     [news_date] [datetime] NULL ,

     [news_date_time] [smallint] NULL ,

     [news_private] [int] NULL ,

     [news_private_release_date] [datetime] NULL ,

     [news_private_release_date_time] [smallint] NULL ,

     [news_expiry_date] [datetime] NULL ,

     [news_expiry_date_time] [smallint] NULL ,

     [news_headline] [varchar] (500) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS NULL ,

     [news_item] [ntext] COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS NULL ,

     [news_item_archived] [int] NULL ,

     [news_item_deleted] [int] NULL


    I need to be able to base my select statement on the following fields news_entity_id, news_date & news_date_time. There can any number of records per entity but I must only return the top 20 news stories from the table based on date and time and the same entity cannot appear more than once.

    If anyone can help me I would appreciate it, also let me know if I have not made myself clear as I am getting quite confused with it already!

  • Select *


      news N



     Select  TOP 20 news_entity_id,  Max (



        Right('000'+ Cast(news_date_time as varchar(4)),4)

       &nbsp as MaxDateTime

     from news

     group by  news_entity_id

     order by  2 DESC

    &nbsp NM on N.news_entity_id = NM.news_entity_id


      N.news_date = Cast(Left(NM.MaxDateTime,8) as datetime)


     N.news_date_time = Cast(Right(NM.MaxDateTime,4) as int)

    ORDER BY N.news_date DESC , news_date_time

    * Noel


    I can imagine you're getting confused. So am I, while reading your post...
    If I understand you correctly, you want to get the last 20 stories, all from different news_entity_id's. News_date and news_date_time give the order in which you want the stuff returned...
    Anyway, here's a go.
    SELECT TOP 20 n.*
    WHERE news_id IN (SELECT top 1 t.news_id FROM NEWS t
                      WHERE t.news_entity_id = n.news_entity_id
                      ORDER BY news_date DESC, news_date_time DESC)
    ORDER BY news_date DESC, news_date_time DESC

  • Many thanks guy's. With your help you have saved my sanity. Problem solved.

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