table data type

  • Hi,

    How can i reset an identity column declared in a variable of data type 'Table'.

    Declare @table1 table

        a int identity(1,1) not null,

        b int


    Is there any way to reset this identity column 'a' ??


    Hatim Ali.

  • sorry - i had a big reply written to you, then hit preview and it all got deleted, so quick summary here.

    with table variable, not possible to truncate table so not sure, but easy to way to circumvent problem that people have been doing for years...

    create table identifiertable
    (identifier int)
    insert identifiertable
    select 1
    -- in your procedure do this whenever a new id needed
    declare @id
    update identifiertable
    set @id = identifier = identifier + 1
    insert @table1 
    select @id, 'b'

    Sorry, original message was more verbose, but this system deleted my message.


    Oh yeah, obviously whenever you want to reset your identity value with above system you use:

    update identifiertable

    set @id = identifier = 1

    If you are going to go around resetting this value though you should make sure you don't use this for more than one tables identifier column.  You will need an identifiertable for each table you wish to have this kind of identifier control.

    Dave Hilditch.

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