db backup failing but EM sees it as successful

  • After months of successfully running, my scheduled backup job failed.  I thought that it was a space problem, so I cleared out lots of unneeded trash then tried again – still no luck.  (DB size is 37MB; free space on the disk is now 40GB)  I then tried it using Enterprise Manager à all Tasks à Backup Database to disk.  It showed that the backup finished successfully, but when I looked at the .bak size, it was 0.  The db Properties tab shows the recent backup date.  The only error in the log is: BACKUP failed to complete the command BACKUP DATABASE [WSSContent1] TO  DISK = N'e:\Microsoft-SQL-Server-Data-Files\MSSQL\BACKUP\WSSContent1_db_200501100926.BAK' WITH  INIT ,  NOUNLOAD ,  NAME = N'WSSContent1 backup',  NOSKIP ,  STATS = 10,  NOFORMAT.  Any suggestions as to where to look next and how to get the job up and running again?


    Thank you,


  • If you are useing win2003 look at this




  • Thanks, but this didn't help much.  I have MDAC 2.8 sp1 and am using TCP/IP, and this was not quite the error I got.  I think it was originally caused by a lack of space, but there is should be more than enough free space now.

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