new server is slower

  • L.S.

    A week a go we implemented a new sql server (4 processors 4 GB) and runs on windows 2000 server. Our old server had 2 processors and 2GB mem. and runs on NT4.

    When new server was very slow but became faster when we changed the option parallel executions of queries to 1 processer. Still the server seems slower than the old one.

    The SQL server configuration is the same on the new and old server. please help

  • Hi.

    try running the perfmon. check the utilization of the memory and cpu time.

    Are you running win2003?

  • What OS version are you running? 2000 Advanced, 2003 Advanced, basic? Sounds like the OS is not able to see all the processors. Best bet, if you aren't already, is to do a fresh install of 2003 advanced server. It can utilize the 4 proc and the ram far better than 2000. And i'm pretty sure 2000 server cant use 4 proccessors, correct me if im wrong.

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