using Unicode data in queries

  • We have a live performance problem.  A commerce server object is unfortunately doing an update on our database (bad design which we inherited) and is using sp_executesql with nchar in the primary key field.  The database has char for this field.

    This results in an data type conversion, and SQL chooses the non-clustered index instead of the primary key - with serious performance problems.

    It also seems that the number of rows in the table has an impact in the index choice?

    Is there a patch for this problem?

    When in doubt - test, test, test!


  • You can either FORCE the index WITH(INDEX(PK_HERE)), change the datatype in your table, OR may need to perform INDEX maintenance and everything may go back to normal.

    # of rows has a HUGE impact on which index the system uses.  Small # will ignore the indexes, medium willl use the good indexes (at that time), larger # indexes will need to be reviewed, recompiled, etc....

    Good Hunting!

    AJ Ahrens

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