Performance Monitoring on active/active clusters

  • We are tasked with collecting various statistics on our production databases for historical and trending purposes.  We have an active/active cluster configuration.  For example, we need to capture the average number of users, average memory use per day, buffer cache hit ratio, etc.  At first I thought that MOM 2005 could provide this data, but MOM only retains a 2 hour window, not trace logging. Therefore, I think that I'll have to use Window Perf Mon.

    When capturing performance monitoring on a cluster, will setting up the trace log on the individual local servers provide inaccurate performance monitoring data?

    Any suggestions are welcomed.



    Carpe diem!

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  • We capture perfmon data for Active/Passive clusters. For active/active, the only issue i can think about is no. of connection if you have both instances running on the same node. But if you are capturing data from the respective server, i don't see any issues with that.

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