August 3, 2004 at 8:49 am
Does anyone have any script that deletes say .bak files from a directory after checking if its been archived or not. I am trying to create a job that creates database backups after deleting any existing backups thats been archived. any help on this will be greatly appreciated.
August 4, 2004 at 7:04 am
You can use the extended sproc xp_getfiledetails to capture the information you need.
Create a temp table:
alternate_name VARCHAR(128),
creation_date INT,
creation_time INT,
last_written_date INT,
last_written_time INT,
last_accessed_date INT,
last_accessed_time INT,
attributes INT)
-- Check the archive bit to determine if the file has been archived.
INSERT INTO #ATTRIBS EXEC master.dbo.xp_getfiledetails @BACKUPFILE
IF ((SELECT attributes&32 FROM #ATTRIBS) != 32)
-- if the value of the bitwise operation isn't 32 then the archive flag has been flipped and you can delete the @backupfile using xp_cmdshell
--put your code in here
Hope this points you in the direction
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