how to update records

  • i have recrods  e.g :0523422 we like update to 05023422 that means add '0' after 05 to all records

  • Hey MD,

    Check out if the SQL below gives the results you are looking for:


     code = r.code, 

     code_updated = SUBSTRING(r.code, 1, 2) + '0' + SUBSTRING(r.code, 3, LEN(r.code) - 2)


      Records_Table r


      LEN(r.code) > 2 AND -- codes that have 2 or more characters

      CHARINDEX('0', r.code) = 1 -- codes that start with a '0'

    The SQL assumes that r.code is already some type of string (i.e. CHAR, VARCHAR, etc.). If not, you can CAST it like this:

    code_updated = SUBSTRING(CAST(r.code AS VARCHAR), 1, 2) + '0' + SUBSTRING(r.code, 3, LEN(CAST(r.code AS VARCHAR)) - 2)


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