Business Hour Calculations

  • All,

    Has anyone ever tried to compute business hours between two given date/times? I've found a lot of great information for business DAYS by using the dw function of datepart but need to get to the business hour level.

    Any ideas?

    thanks, jb

  • I have never seen a way of setting the time in sql server. If anyone has a way I would love to see it. I would approach the problem by writting some logic to do the work for you.

    Here is a script I have used before that works in vb. You should be able to hack it to get it work in sql server.

    Apologies if it is code someone has written that attends this site. I admit it is not mine.

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------Function SLA(StartStamp As Date, EndStamp As Date, Optional BizStart As Date, Optional BizEnd As Date)


    ' I had a need to track the hours between when problem ticket was open and when

    '   it was resolved to meet Service Level Agreement (SLA) commitments.  However,

    '   I only needed to know how many Business hours the ticket was open.  Our Biz

    '   hours are Monday - Friday, 8:00am to 5:00pm.  This will take two time/date

    '   entries and calculate the number of hours between 8:00 and 5:00 (unless

    '   otherwise specified).  It will also exclude Sat or Sun hours.  (I'm also

    '   working on excluding holidays, but that's a future version.


    '   This was created in Excel 97, but should be portable to later versions.


    ' Usage:

    '  SLA(Start Date,End Date,<optional> Business hour open, <optional> business hour close)

    '       where all variables are Excel Serial Number dates/times.

    '       The optional BizStart and BizEnd should be supplied if they are not

    '           8:00 am and 5:00 pm.

    '       If optional hours are supplied, BOTH should be defined or an error will be returned

    '       If the End Date is BEFORE the Start Date, an error message will be returned

    '       If the BizEnd is BEFORE the BizStart, an error message will be returned



    ' Function Created 2/6/03 by W. Patrick Day, MCSE

    ' Comments, questions, critiques, and suggestions should be sent to

    ' or <A href="">


    ' If you make any improvements, please let me know, I've not a programmer by trade

    '   so I would definitely like to know how to make it better.



    Dim DaysBetween, DayCount, WeekEndCount As Integer

    Dim FinalHours, StartHour, EndHour As Single


        If StartStamp > EndStamp Then 'looks reversed timestamps

            SLA = "End before Start"

            Exit Function

        End If


        If StartStamp * EndStamp = 0 Then 'looks missing timestamps

            SLA = "Missing Parameter"

            Exit Function

        End If


        If BizStart > BizEnd Then 'looks for reversed biz hours

            SLA = "End before Start"

            Exit Function

        End If


        If BizStart = 0 And BizEnd = 0 Then 'assigns default hours if not passed

            BizStart = 0.333333333333333 '8:00 AM

            BizEnd = 0.708333333333333   '5:00 PM

            GoTo Date_Fixing

        End If


        If BizStart * BizEnd = 0 Then 'looks for partial Biz hrs

            SLA = "Missing Parameter"

            Exit Function

        End If

        If BizStart > 1 Or BizEnd > 1 Then 'looks for erronious times

            SLA = "Bad Hours"

            Exit Function

        End If




    'Start Day on Weekend fix (Move to Friday)

        Select Case WeekDay(Int(StartStamp), vbMonday)

            Case 6

                StartStamp = (Int(StartStamp) - 1) + BizEnd

            Case 7

                StartStamp = (Int(StartStamp) - 2) + BizEnd

            Case Else

                StartStamp = StartStamp + 0

        End Select

    'End Day on Weekend fix (Move to Monday)

        Select Case WeekDay(Int(EndStamp), vbMonday)

            Case 6

                EndStamp = (Int(EndStamp) + 2) + BizStart

            Case 7

                EndStamp = (Int(EndStamp) + 1) + BizStart

            Case Else

                EndStamp = EndStamp + 0

        End Select



    'starting hour Adjustment

        StartHour = StartStamp - Int(StartStamp) 'grabs the hour portion of the date


        If StartHour < BizStart Or StartHour > BizEnd Then

           If StartHour < BizStart Then 'if before start time, convert to start hour

               StartStamp = Int(StartStamp) + BizStart

             Else  'otherwise, convert to end hour

               StartStamp = Int(StartStamp) + BizEnd

           End If

        End If



     'ending hour Adjustment

        EndHour = EndStamp - Int(EndStamp) 'grabs the hour portion of the date


        If EndHour < BizStart Or EndHour > BizEnd Then

           If EndHour < BizStart Then 'if before start time, convert to start hour

               EndStamp = Int(EndStamp) + BizStart


               EndStamp = Int(EndStamp) + BizEnd

           End If

        End If




       'counts the number of days between, not including start and finish days

        DayCount = 0

        WeekEndCount = 0


        DaysBetween = Int(EndStamp) - Int(StartStamp)

        Select Case DaysBetween

        Case 0

            FinalHours = ((EndStamp - Int(EndStamp)) - (StartStamp - Int(StartStamp)))


        Case 1

            FinalHours = (BizEnd - (StartStamp - Int(StartStamp))) + ((EndStamp - Int(EndStamp)) - BizStart)


        Case Else

            'this counts the whole days between and subtracts the weekends

            For x = (Int(StartStamp) + 1) To (Int(EndStamp) - 1) Step 1

                If WeekDay(x, vbMonday) > 5 Then

                    WeekEndCount = WeekEndCount + 1

                End If

            Next x

            DaysBetween = DaysBetween - WeekEndCount

            FinalHours = (BizEnd - (StartStamp - Int(StartStamp))) + ((EndStamp - Int(EndStamp)) - BizStart) + ((DaysBetween - 1) * (BizEnd - BizStart))


         End Select




         'puts final result into decimal format

         SLA = Format(FinalHours, "#,###.0000000") * 24


    End Function


    The Users are always right - when I'm not wrong!

  • jb,

    unless there is more to it that you are not telling us...if you are already calculating days are your days all 8 hrs? just do the math for the number of days then add the fractional part on either end as needed



    Tal McMahon



    Kindest Regards,

    Tal Mcmahon

  • Just remember to remove holidays and weekends wouldbe the only thing extra.

  • I have Excel code for determining elapsed business hours.  It recognizes weekends (Sat/Sun) but does not have a provision for holidays. 

    It's part of a larger application, so send email if you want it and I'll send the .xls file.



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