Getting MIN and MAX for all columns in a table

  • Hi everyone,

    Is there a way to calculate the MIN and MAX (or any other aggregate value) for all columns in a table and place these results into a summary table without cursoring through a list of columns?  I've got a stored proc that takes a table name and gets a list of all columns using the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS view, then generates the MIN and MAX values for each column, one at a time.  I'd much rather calculate and update the summary table as a set process instead of the cursor. 

    Any suggestions?


    Mark Dalton

  • This will give you the Min and Max for every column without using a cursor. The generation of the SQL statement is lightning fast, but selecting a lot of Min's and Max's is terribly slow.


    Declare @SQL varchar(8000),

     @TableName sysname

    Set @TableName = 'YourTable'

    Select @SQL = IsNull(@SQL + ', ', '') + 'Max([' + + ']) As [Max_' + + '], Min([' + + ']) As [Min_' + + ']'

    From syscolumns As sc with(nolock)

    Inner Join sysobjects As so with(nolock) on =

    Where = @TableName

    And sc.xtype Not In (34, 35, 99)

    Set @SQL = 'Select ' + @SQL + char(10) + 'From [' + @TableName + '] with(nolock)'


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