Table Variables How and When???

  • I am trying to learn how to use a table variable instead of a temp table, could some one explain how to do the following using a table variable instead of a temp table?

    SELECT jsa.JobStartID, jsa.ActionTypeId, aty.ActionName, jsa.ActionDt AS QC_Approved

    Into tmpQCApproved

    FROM homelink..JobstartAction jsa LEFT JOIN homelink..ActionType aty ON jsa.ActionTypeId = aty.ActionTypeId

    WHERE jsa.ActionTypeId=5;

  • hey cedar, try this link:

    for your your case, you would first need to declare a table variable say like this:

    DECLARE @tempTable TABLE (

      JobStartID <datatype goes here>,

      ActionTypeId <datatype goes here>,

      ActionName <datatype goes here>,

      QC_Approved <datatype goes here>


    then, to populate the table variable you would do something like this:

    INSERT INTO @tempTable(JobStartID, ActionTypeId, ActionName, QC_Approved)


      jsa.JobStartID, jsa.ActionTypeId, aty.ActionName, jsa.ActionDt AS QC_Approved


      homelink..JobstartAction jsa LEFT JOIN homelink..ActionType aty ON jsa.ActionTypeId = aty.ActionTypeId





  • Thank you, worked perfectly!

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