Function to get "day of Quarter" in T-SQL or DTS ?

  • Hi :

    I am trying to retrive the number of day in a quarter based on date using T-SQL or DTS. For example: today is 07/15/2004.  I would like to retrive in "day_of_calendar_quarter" value 15. Since I am on 15th day of Quarter 3.

    If today is 08/15/2004, the I would like to retrive value 46, since 08/15/2004 is the 46th day of Quarter 3.

    I am trying to use DATPART function. I can get "day of week", "day of month" and "day of year" by using DATEPART(w,getdate()), DATEPART(d,getdate()), and DATEPART(dy,getdate()) respectively. HOw do I get the similar day for quarter ?

    Thanks for your help. 

  • declare @myday datetime

    set @myday = '07/15/2004'

    select datediff(day,dateadd(quarter,datediff(quarter,0,@myday),0),@myday) + 1 as day_of_quarter




    set @myday = '08/15/2004'

    select datediff(day,dateadd(quarter,datediff(quarter,0,@myday),0),@myday) + 1 as day_of_quarter





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  • hey,

    i think the answer is:

    CREATE FUNCTION dbo.fn_day_of_quarter(@dayInQuarter AS DATETIME) RETURNS INTEGER




      SET @month = DATEPART(m, @dayInQuarter)

      DECLARE @firstDayInQuarter AS DATETIME

      SET @firstDayInQuarter = CAST( CAST( 1 + 3 * FLOOR((@month - 1) / 3.0)  AS VARCHAR ) + '/1/' + CAST( YEAR(@dayInQuarter) AS VARCHAR ) AS DATETIME )

      RETURN ( DATEDIFF(d, @firstDayInQuarter, @dayInQuarter) + 1)


    You would call the function like this:

    dbo.fn_day_of_quarter( GETDATE() )


    hope this helps ...


  • Hello:

    Thanks for your help.  This certainly works in "Execute SQL Task" in DTS

    Both the answers work. But how do I do this in Active X script of Transform Data Task ?

    Thanks for your help.

  • Why do You have to do it as an Active X script ?

    You could specifiy a Query with apropriate SQL as the source.


    You must unlearn what You have learnt

  • If it does turn out you need to do it in ActiveX script, here you go:



    '  Visual Basic ActiveX Script


    Function Main()

     x = DayOfQuater(now())

     msgbox x

     Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Success

    End Function

    Public Function DayOfQuater(dtDayInQuarter)

    Dim iMonth

    iMonth = Month(dtDayInQuarter)

    Dim iFirstDayInQuarter

    iFirstDayInQuarter = CDate(CStr(1 + 3 * Abs(iMonth - 1) / 3) & "/1/" & CStr(Year(dtDayInQuarter)))

    DayOfQuater = DateDiff("d", iFirstDayInQuarter, dtDayInQuarter)

    End Function

  • Thank you very much for everybody's help. It works.

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