CASE With a Calculated Value

  • I'm trying to calculate a value and use that calculated value in a CASE statement without repeating it for each WHEN statement because of it's size and not wanting to cause processing to bog down.  I've attemted the T-SQL below but get an error and the first inequality statement.  Any help would be appreciated.


    (CAST(ISNULL(o.Qty, 0) AS Decimal(25, 6))) + (CAST(ISNULL(pn.OnHand, 0) As Decimal(25, 6)))

    / (CAST(ISNULL(pn.QFD, 0) AS Decimal(25, 6)) / 3) AS MonthsOfStock,

    CASE MonthsOfStock

    WHEN < 1 THEN 10

    WHEN >= 1 And < 3 THEN 8

    WHEN >= 3 And < 5 THEN 6

    WHEN >= 5 And < 8 THEN 4

    WHEN >= 8 And < 13 THEN 2

    WHEN >= 13 THEN 1

  • I'm nowhere near a SQL box to try this, but you can't use it that way can you?

    Syntactically, your CASE statement looks wrong.  Shouldn't it be...

    CASE WHEN MonthsOfStock < 10 then 1 etc....END


    Howver, I don't think you can reference a clac'd field like that - you could calculate through a function maybe?

    fnMonthsOfStock(qty,onhand, qfd)

    and reference that instead?


    CASE when fnMonthsOfStock(o.qty,pn.onhand,pn.qfd) <1 then...etc..

    Just a possible solution, not neccessarily correct - past midnight here.







  • I feel the problem lies the way in which the case function has been implemente. There are 2 ways of implementing the case statement, simple case and searched case. Not too sure of the syntax. But I guess it shld be

    CASE MonthsOfStock

    WHEN MonthsOfStock = 1 And < 3 THEN 8..

    Let me now if this helps.

  • I knew the posted code had a problem but I made multiple attempts to get it functional prior to posting the question.  BOL was a source I accessed but frequently it covers a statement with sample examples that don't hit the mark which my issues.  The example provided:

    CASE MonthsOfStock

    WHEN MonthsOfStock < 1 THEN 10

    WHEN MonthsOfStock >= 1 And < 3 THEN 8..

    I tried unsuccessfully as on one of my earlier attempts.


  • You're not going to be able to reference MonthsOfStock in the above example because as far as the case statement is concerned it doesn't exist - you could put the query without the case statement into a subselect and then put the case statement in the outer select to get around that.


  • Guys may be the calculated column is not availabe inside the CASE..soo instead of referring it by the name recalculate it everytime inside every condition or use a function for every where.

    hope im right ..if not correct me too

  • You have to nest the selects and calculate the columns you want to use for other columns in the inner select. eg

    select *,

    CASE MonthsOfStock

    WHEN < 1 THEN 10

    WHEN >= 1 And < 3 THEN 8

    WHEN >= 3 And < 5 THEN 6

    WHEN >= 5 And < 8 THEN 4

    WHEN >= 8 And < 13 THEN 2

    WHEN >= 13 THEN 1

    END as field


    (select SUM(CAST(ISNULL(o.Qty, 0) AS Decimal(25, 6))) + (CAST(ISNULL(pn.OnHand, 0) As Decimal(25, 6)))

    / (CAST(ISNULL(pn.QFD, 0) AS Decimal(25, 6)) / 3) AS MonthsOfStock

    from table1) n1

    Perhaps a clearer example is:

    select *, col2 * 3 as col3


    (select *, (col1 -4) as col2


     (select a*v/4 as col1, col5

      from table1

      ) n1

    ) n2

    where col3 is based on calculated column col2, which is based on calculated column col1.

    I hope this is clear



  • hey scking,

    jt-75 is right ...

    here is the query that jt-75 is talking about:


      Calculated_Value =


          WHEN MonthsOfStock < 1 THEN 10

          WHEN MonthsOfStock >= 1 And MonthsOfStock < 3 THEN 8

          WHEN MonthsOfStock >= 3 And MonthsOfStock < 5 THEN 6

          WHEN MonthsOfStock >= 5 And MonthsOfStock < 8 THEN 4

          WHEN MonthsOfStock >= 8 And MonthsOfStock < 13 THEN 2

          ELSE 1





      SUM(CAST(ISNULL(o.Qty, 0) AS Decimal(25, 6))) + (CAST(ISNULL(pn.OnHand, 0) As Decimal(25, 6))) / (CAST(ISNULL(pn.QFD, 0) AS Decimal(25, 6)) / 3) AS MonthsOfStock, ....




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