• Is their any document avaiable on monitoring SQL SERVER  cluster(counter and metrics)  . If yes can some one please send the link
  • You can monitor SQL Server metrics through performance monitor or any tool that reads the perf counters. Can you give some detail on what you are looking for?


  • hi ,

    thanks wes.

    We want to monitor Clustered SQL Server . In general ,

    I know how to monitor StanAlone SQL Server . How these counters etc will vary in case of Clustred SQL Server .

     Is there  additional (Specific) Counters for monitoring Clustered SQL Server .




  • Not that I'm aware of. The only issue is if a server fails over to the secondary node the counters will be for that node i.e. counters dont count both nodes at the same time. Other than that what you would do for a stand alone server is the same for a cluster.


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