Basic "JOIN" Function -- Please Reply

  • The following displays just "Jane Doe",

    however I want it to display all customers

    and then their passwords if they have one

      SELECT     customers.number,, xref.details

      FROM         customers LEFT OUTER JOIN

                          xref ON customers.number = xref.number

      WHERE     (xref.type = 'pass')


    The following displays all customers,

    however it makes the password column identical for

    both which is wrong since John Doe password = blank

      SELECT     customers.number,, xref.details

      FROM         customers LEFT OUTER JOIN

                          xref ON customers.number >= xref.number

      WHERE     (xref.type = 'pass')


    Please let me know if you want me to email

    the 100k MDB file to you for testing purposes.

    CUSTOMER dataset

      number    name

      1            Jane Doe 

      2            John Doe 


    XREF dataset

      number     type    details

      1             email

      1             pass    goodfood 

      2             email 


    End Result that I need:

    number         name         details

    1                Jane Doe     goodfood 

    2                John Doe   



  • The problem is the WHERE clause processes the final resultset and removes all none matches. What you need to do is handle in the join condition like so:


    SELECT     customers.number,, xref.details

      FROM         customers LEFT OUTER JOIN

                          xref ON customers.number >= xref.number

    AND     (xref.type = 'pass')


    This way if there is a tpye = 'pass' you get that otherwise you get NULL.


    Also please do not cross post as most folks will see your post via Active Topics and many cross posts create a lot to dig thru.

  • Thanks for the info.

    Sorry about the cross-post.

    I will stop doing double posting.

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