access temporary table in a user defined function ??

  • Hi All ,


    •      I have a store procedure SP1 who is using a temporary table #temp1
    •      I want to use this #temp1 table in a user defined function my_func_1
    For example 
    procedure SP1 
    create table #temp ( ....)
    insert into #temp( ) ....
             update #temp1
           set   res=  my_func_1( T.b , T.c )
           from #temp1 , aa
            where ....
    create my_func_1( .... )
    return ( select  T.x + T.y
              from #temp1 , bb , cc
             where ..... )


  • you cannot use #temp table in the UDF that is created in the SP, because it is automatically dropped by the when SP ends.



  • Actually, I do not believe you can even use Temporary Tables of the "##" type in a Function.  You can however Declare a Table Variable.

    Declare @Table Table(ID Int Primary, Value VarChar(50))

    Insert Into @Table Blah, Blah, Blah

  • Hi

    You cannot access a table or temporary table from a user defined function

    Only tables local to the function can be accessed inside the function

    Anything global (cursors, tables) cannot be accessed inside a function

    Also built-in functions that are non-deterministic such as getdate also cannot be accessed

    For more information you can see SQL Server Books Online

    under the topic UDF



  • I don't think mshiva is entirely correct.  I am able to access Tables from a Function.  Of course, these are "Table Valued" Functions and not "Scaler-Valued" Functions, but I don't see why you would be able to in a Scaler Function also.  He is correct about the "GetDate" though, it cannot be used.

    At one time, I did need your access a Temp Table.  I found that Functions could only Access Tables that are already Created in the Database.  Here's a snipet from a Function that I know works...I use it a lot!

    CREATE FUNCTION dbo.udf_GetValues
     Returns a Table with the Values for a specific 'Reference'
      @Constant - The Constant Variable for the Reference
      @Deleted - 
       When 0, Returns only Active Values
       When 1, Returns only Deleted Values
       When NULL, Returns All Values
         -- Parameters
         @Constant VarChar(50), @Deleted TinyInt
     @Table TABLE (
     ValueID Int, ValueOrder SmallInt, ValueName VarChar(50), ValueDescription VarChar(255), Constant VarChar(50), 
     CreatedBy VarChar(50), CreatedDate SmallDateTime, ModifiedBy VarChar(50), ModifiedDate SmallDateTime, Deleted TinyInt)
     If (@Deleted Is Null)
      Insert Into @Table
       Select ValueID, ValueOrder, ValueName, ValueDescription, Constant, CreatedBy, CreatedDate, ModifiedBy, ModifiedDate, Deleted
       From [dbo].[ReferenceValues] WITH (NOLOCK)
       Where (ReferenceID IN(Select ReferenceID From [dbo].[ReferenceLists] Where Constant = @Constant))
       Order By ValueOrder, ValueName
       Insert Into @Table
       Select ValueID, ValueOrder, ValueName, ValueDescription, Constant, CreatedBy, CreatedDate, ModifiedBy, ModifiedDate, Deleted
       From [dbo].[ReferenceValues] WITH (NOLOCK)
       Where (ReferenceID IN(Select ReferenceID From [dbo].[ReferenceLists] Where Constant = @Constant)) And (Deleted = @Deleted)
       Order By ValueOrder, ValueName

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