April 8, 2004 at 1:43 pm
Hi all
I have a problem related to Stored procedure. i have actually created a SP which creates a Cursor and recursively calls itself. but when on second call it call itself it says:
Cursor already exists ....
is there anyother way so that i can create new cursor with different name on every call.
Pseduo code
For 1 to 10
April 8, 2004 at 8:34 pm
Problem is global cursors. Can fix with TSQL cursor declare syntax instead of ANSI-92:
declare c0 cursor local fast_forward for ...
Or you can change the DB option CURSOR_DEFAULT value to local to set this for your entire DB, after which you can use the ANSI syntax if you prefer.
alter database pubs set cursor_default local
April 10, 2004 at 6:47 am
write down these two statements at the end
close cursorname
deallocate cursorname
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