How do i group by month?

  • Hi All,

    I need a query that should group by month of one date field. For eg. 

    I need like this.

    I've table which has the fields Part#, Replacement Date, Replace Qty etc


    Part#    Jan'04     Feb'04    Mar'04

    5002      23         12          10

    5003      22         10          12


               45          22           22 -This is Sum




    K.Senthil Kumar

  • Your Question is a bit vague.  Please post the source table structure and what the results should look like.

  • SELECT [Part#],

      SUM(CASE WHEN MONTH([Replacement Date]) = 1  THEN [Replace Qty] ELSE 0 END) AS [Jan],

      SUM(CASE WHEN MONTH([Replacement Date]) = 2  THEN [Replace Qty] ELSE 0 END) AS [Feb],

      SUM(CASE WHEN MONTH([Replacement Date]) = 3  THEN [Replace Qty] ELSE 0 END) AS [Mar],

      SUM(CASE WHEN MONTH([Replacement Date]) = 4  THEN [Replace Qty] ELSE 0 END) AS [Apr],

      SUM(CASE WHEN MONTH([Replacement Date]) = 5  THEN [Replace Qty] ELSE 0 END) AS [May],

      SUM(CASE WHEN MONTH([Replacement Date]) = 6  THEN [Replace Qty] ELSE 0 END) AS [Jun],

      SUM(CASE WHEN MONTH([Replacement Date]) = 7  THEN [Replace Qty] ELSE 0 END) AS [Jul],

      SUM(CASE WHEN MONTH([Replacement Date]) = 8  THEN [Replace Qty] ELSE 0 END) AS [Aug],

      SUM(CASE WHEN MONTH([Replacement Date]) = 9  THEN [Replace Qty] ELSE 0 END) AS [Sep],

      SUM(CASE WHEN MONTH([Replacement Date]) = 10 THEN [Replace Qty] ELSE 0 END) AS [Oct],

      SUM(CASE WHEN MONTH([Replacement Date]) = 11 THEN [Replace Qty] ELSE 0 END) AS [Nov],

      SUM(CASE WHEN MONTH([Replacement Date]) = 12 THEN [Replace Qty] ELSE 0 END) AS [Dec]


    WHERE YEAR([Replacement Date]) = 2004


    ORDER BY[Part#]

    Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.

  • Ok. My Table Structure is :

    Product Code


    Replacement Date

    Replacement Qty


    I Result should be

    Product Code    Part#  Month(Replacement Date)   Qty

    CL001              5001   Jan'04                             10

    CL001              5002   Jan'04                             12

    CL001              5001   Feb'04                             25

    CL001              5002   Feb'04                             26



    Note: In the table the 'Replacement Date' has 'dd/mm/yyyy' format 




  • In That Case You Are Looking for:



    [Product Code],     [Part#]

    ,Month = Convert( Varchar(7), [Replacement Date], 120 )

    ,Qty = Sum( [Replacement Qty] )

    From SourceTable

  • ...followed by a group by:

    group by [Product Code], [Part#],

    Convert( Varchar(7), [Replacement Date], 120 )




  • Actually, there are two functions you can use.  select Month(getdate()), and select datename(mm, getdate()).

    As far as doing a pivot that each month becomes a a lot more complicated.  Here's a sample that may help you:

    declare @ColName sysname,

      @MonthID int,

      @vcMin varchar(25),

      @vcmax varchar(25),

      @Select varchar(8000),

      @Group varchar(8000)

    select @ColName = '',

      @MonthID = 0,

      @Select = ''

    While 1 = 1



     select  top 1

       @ColName  = ColName,

       @MonthID  = MonthID,

       @vcMin  = minBILLDateID,

       @vcmax  = maxBILLDateID,

       @Select  = @Select + ', sum([' + ColName + ']) as [' + ColName + ']'

       --@Select  = @Select + ', [' + ColName + ']'

     From  #Month

     Where   MonthID > @MonthID

     order by MonthID

     if @@RowCount = 0 Break

     exec( 'Alter Table ##Event add [' + @ColName + '] int')

     exec( 'Update e

       Set [' + @ColName + '] = isnull(Total, 0)

       From ##Event e



        Select BillEventID, sum(Total) Total

        From  Operator.dbo.BillDetail bd (nolock)

        Where  bd.BillDateID between ''' + @vcMin + ''' and ''' + @vcMax + '''

        group by BillEventID

       &nbsp e1 on e.BillEventID = e1.BillEventID')

     exec( 'Update ##Event

       Set [' + @ColName + '] = 0 Where [' + @ColName + '] is null')


    set nocount off

    exec('Select Case isBillable When 0 then ''Non Billable-'' When 1 then ''Billable-'' Else '''' END + bt.Name  [Bill Type] ,


       When e.URL is not null then ''<A HREF="Report.jsp?ReportID=3'' + e.URL + ''">'' + e.Name + ''</A>''

       Else e.Name

      END as [' + @ColHeader + ']' + @Select + '

     From  ##Event e (nolock)

     JOIN BillType bt (nolock) on e.BillTypeID = bt.BillTypeID

     group by  Case isBillable When 0 then ''Non Billable-'' When 1 then ''Billable-'' Else '''' END + bt.Name,


       When e.URL is not null then ''<A HREF="Report.jsp?ReportID=3'' + e.URL + ''">'' + e.Name + ''</A>''

       Else e.Name


     order by 1, 2




    Signature is NULL

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