Connection to Server Failed (Analysis Sevices)

  • I have been set up as an OLAP Administrator on a server, but I get the following error message when I try to register the server.

    Does anyone know what the real issue is?  Any help would be great.


    Errors occurred while connecting to SERVERNAME.

    Unable to connect to the registry on the server (SERVERNAME), or you are not a member of OLAP Administrators group on this server. Do you still want to register the server?


    I hope someone can help me as I have run out of ideas and am very frustrated.

    Thanks in advance, st

  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • Did you check to make sure the user that you are connecting with is part of the Olap Administrators group on your domain (local group if not part of a domain)?

  • Yes.  I am told that I am part of the domain.

  • Is the Service Running? And your registering the machine my name, not IP? Can you ping the machine by machine name - if not check with Wins and DNS admins. I would still verify your group membership in the domain and the local groups on the AS server. What about SP's? Do you have office XP on the box your using to connect? If so, patch it, both office and AS.

    You may also want to reset your password on the account used to hit AS just in case there is a problem there.

  • Actually I just found out that they are using Local info, not Domain.  Does this make a difference.  When you asked if the service is running, are you speaking on the AS Server.  If so, yes it is running because other people are able to register the server.  I am running NT, not XP.

    Thanks so far for your suggestions.



  • P.S.

    I can ping it using the servers text name.

  • Has it had SP3a applied?  If so, where is the repository?  If it's in SQL Server(MSDB in particular) , you may need to be added to the new role created in SP3.  If you answered yes to the above, check the readme documentation for SP3 for instructions on how to fix this.

    If the above isn't relevant, can you get access to the server?  If so, check the permissions on the registry key for HKLM\software\microsoft\olap server .  For some reason your account may not have correct access.


  • This is a known issue with Analysis Services.

    You'll have to setup the security manually.

    The SP3 does not add the users to the NT groups, therefore no-one has access.

    Check the OLAP groups on the Server, in computer management -> groups and users.

    Look on microsoft website for more info.

  • Make sure you are running the same service pack for Analysis Services as is on the server.  Also, Analysis Services Manager caches some logon info, it's amazing what rebooting the box will do.



  • Thank you all for your input.  I loaded sp3 and now I am all set.  I guess they were saying the server was running sp2, but they were incorrect.


    Thanks again, st

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